Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Svector
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String vector object.
Svector Declaration
svector declare svector object.
To declare an svector object, use the keyword svector, followed by a name.
Svector Views
display display table, graph, or spool in object window.
label label view.
sheet spreadsheet view of the scalar.
Svector Procs
clearcollabels clear the column labels in a svector object.
clearhist clear the contents of the history attribute.
clearremarks clear the contents of the remarks attribute.
clearrowlabels clear the row labels in a svector object.
copy creates a copy of the svector.
displayname set display name.
export export svector as Excel 2007 XLSX, CSV, tab-delimited ASCII text, RTF, HTML, Enhanced Metafile, PDF, TEX, or MD file on disk.
fill fill the svector with the specified values.
import imports data from a foreign file into the svector object.
olepush push updates to OLE linked objects in open applications.
resize resize the svector object.
setattr set the value of an object attribute.
setcollabels set the column label in a svector object.
setrowlabels set the row labels in a svector object.
showlabels displays the custom row and column labels of an svector spreadsheet.
Svector Data Members
String values
@attr("arg") string containing the value of the arg attribute, where the argument is specified as a quoted string.
@collabels string containing the column label of the svector.
@description string containing the svector object’s description (if available).
@detailedtype string with the object type: “SVECTOR”.
@displayname string containing the svector object’s display name. If the svector has no display name set, the name is returned.
@name string containing the svector object’s name.
@remarks string containing the svector object’s remarks (if available).
@rowlabels string containing the row labels of the svector.
@type string with the object type: “SVECTOR”.
@updatetime string representation of the time and date at which the svector was last updated.
Scalar values
@rows number of rows in the svector.
Svector values
@droprow(arg) Returns the svector with rows defined by arg removed. arg may be an integer, vector of integers, string, or svector of strings. Integers correspond to row numbers so that, for example, arg = 2 specifies the second row. Strings correspond to row labels so that arg = "2" specifies the first row labeled “2”.
@row(arg) Returns the svector with rows defined by arg. arg may be an integer, vector of integers, string, or svector of strings. Integers correspond to row numbers so that, for example, arg = 2 specifies the second row. Strings correspond to row labels so that arg = "2" specifies the first row labeled “2”.