Command Reference : Command Reference
Sort the current workfile page.
The sort command sorts all series in the workfile page on the basis of the values of one or more of the series. For purposes of sorting, NAs are considered to be smaller than any other value. By default, EViews will sort the series in ascending order. You may use options to override the sort order.
EViews will first remove any workfile structures and then will sort the workfile using the specified settings.
sort(options) arg1 [arg2 arg3…]
List the name of the series or groups by which you wish to sort the workfile. If you list two or more series, sort uses the values of the second series to resolve ties from the first series, and values of the third series to resolve ties from the second, and so on.
sort in descending order.
sort(d) inc
sorts all series in the workfile in order of the INC series with the highest value of INC first. NAs in INC (if any) will be placed at the bottom.
sort gender race wage
sorts all series in the workfile in order of the values of GENDER from low to high, with ties resolved by ordering on the basis of RACE, with further ties resolved by ordering on the basis of WAGE.
See “Sorting a Workfile”.