Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: L
Function Reference: L
@lag n-th order lag function.
@last The last non-missing value in the vector or series.
@lastsby Last non-missing value in a series for each specified group.
@lasterrnum Last error number generated by a previously issued command.
@lasterrstr Last error message generated by a previously issued command.
@left Left-hand characters in a string.
@len Length of a string.
@length Length of a string.
@linepath Location of the program file currently being executed.
@loadprgini Variable name value in an “.ini” file.
@localt Convert UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to local time.
@log Natural logarithm function.
log Natural logarithm function.
@log10 Base-10 logarithm function.
@log1mexp Natural logarithm function of 1 minus exponential of argument.
@log1p Natural logarithm function of 1 plus argument.
@log2pi Natural logarithm of .
@logcnorm Natural logarithm of standard normal cumulative distribution.
@logit Logistic transform.
@logx Arbitrary base logarithm function.
@lower Lowercase representation of a string, or lower triangular matrix of a matrix.
@ltrim Trim left-whitespace from string.
@lu LU decomposition of a matrix.