Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: T
Transpose of a matrix object.
Syntax: @transpose(m)
m: matrix, vector, rowvector, sym
Return: matrix, rowvector, vector, sym
The result is a matrix object with the number of rows and columns and the element indices reversed from the original matrix. This function is an identity function for a sym, since a sym by definition is equal to its transpose.
matrix m1 = @mnrnd(5, 7)
matrix m1t = @transpose(m1)
creates a matrix M1 filled with normal random variables, and the matrix transpose.
vector v1 = @mnrnd(10)
matrix m2 = v1 * @transpose(v1)
matrix m3 = @outer(v1, v1)
creates the 10-element vector V1 and forms its outer product matrix in two ways.
Note that the transpose of matrix objects may also be obtained using the “@t” object data member function, as in
matrix m4 = v1 * v1.@t
See “Matrix Data Members” “Vector Data Members”, and “Sym Data Members”.