Command Reference : Operator and Function Listing
Operator and Function Listing
The following reference is an alphabetical listing of operators and functions which may be used in series assignment and generation, and in many cases, in matrix operations or element evaluation. Additional details on these operators and functions is provided in “Operator and Function Reference”
Operator / Function
raise to the power
less than
less than or equal to
not equal to
equal to
greater than
greater than or equal to
@abs(x), abs(x)
absolute value
arc cosine (real results in radians)
Creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation is after or on the date given by arg1. arg1 should be enclosed in quotes.
logical and
arc sine (real results in radians)
arc tangent (results in radians)
Creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation is before the date given by arg1. arg1 should be enclosed in quotes.
beta integral
incomplete beta integral
derivative of the incomplete beta integral
inverse of the incomplete beta integral
natural logarithm of the beta integral
@between(x, val1, val2)
Creates a dummy variable equal to 1 for observations where the series is greater than or equal to val1 and less than or equal to val2.
binomial coefficient
natural logarithm of the binomial coefficient
returns x if x is between y and z, and the boundary values y and z otherwise
returns a copy of series x with NAs replaced by the nearest preceding non-NA value. This function is panel aware.
beta cumulative distribution (CDF)
@cbvnorm(x, y, r)
bivariate cumulative normal distribution (CDF)
binomial cumulative distribution (CDF)
chi-square cumulative distribution (CDF)
smallest integer not less than
exponential cumulative distribution (CDF)
extreme value cumulative distribution (CDF)
F-distribution cumulative distribution (CDF)
gamma cumulative distribution (CDF)
generalized error cumulative distribution (CDF)
chi-square p-value
Laplace cumulative distribution (CDF)
logistic cumulative distribution (CDF)
complementary log-log function
log normal cumulative distribution (CDF)
negative binomial cumulative distribution (CDF)
normal cumulative distribution (CDF)
number of columns.
cosine (argument in radians)
population covariance
population covariance
sample covariance
Pareto cumulative distribution (CDF)
Poisson cumulative distribution (CDF)
observations in range
Student’s t-distribution cumulative distribution (CDF)
backwards cumulative maximum
backwards cumulative mean
backwards cumulative minimum
backwards cumulative nmber of NA observations
backwards cumulative nmber of non-NA observations
backwards cumulative product
backwards cumulative sample standard deviation
backwards cumulative population standard deviation
backwards cumulative sample standard deviation
backwards cumulative sum
backwards cumulative sum-of-squares
backwards cumulative population variance
backwards cumulative population variance
backwards cumulative sample variance
cumulative negative (below threshold) changes
cumulative positive (above threshold) changes
cumulative zero (at threshold) changes
cumulative maximum
cumulative mean
cumulative minimum
cumulative nmber of NA observations
cumulative nmber of non-NA observations
cumulative product
cumulative sample standard deviation
cumulative population standard deviation
cumulative sample standard deviation
cumulative sum
cumulative sum-of-squares
cumulative population variance
cumulative population variance
cumulative sample variance
uniform cumulative distribution (CDF)
Weibull cumulative distribution (CDF)
first difference
n-th order difference
n-th order difference with a seasonal difference at
@dateadd(d, offset[,u])
calculates date number offsets
@dateceil(d1, u[, step]
calculates the last possible date number for a date with a given time unit
difference between two dates
@datefloor(d1, u[, step])
calculates a date floor
@dateceil(d1, u[, step]
calculates the next date number for a date with a given time unit
@datepart(d1, u)
calculates the date part of a number
@datestr(d[, fmt])
converts date to string
@dateval(str1[, fmt])
converts string to date
day of month
beta density function
binomial density function
returns a string containing the current default database name
bivariate normal density function
chi-square density function
addition to cumulative negative (below threshold) changes
addition to cumulative positive (above threshold) changes
addition cumulative zero (at threshold) changes
@demean(x[, s])
returns a copy of series x translated to have a mean of zero
@demeanby(x, g[, s])
returns a copy of series x translated to have a mean of zero within each group of observations defined by series g.
returns the residuals of an OLS regression on series x versus an implicit time trend. This function is panel aware.
exponential density function
extreme value density function
F-distribution density function
gamma density function
generalized error density function
@digamma(x), @psi(x)
first derivative of the log gamma function
Inverse Wishart density with sym covariance
Inverse Wishart density with sym Choesky of covariance
Inverse Wishart density with sym inverse covariance
Inverse Wishart density with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
Laplace density function
first difference of the logarithm
n-th order difference of the logarithm
n-th order difference of the logarithm with a seasonal difference at
logistic density function
log normal density function
multivariate normal density with sym covariance
multivariate normal density with sym Choesky of covariance
multivariate normal density with sym inverse covariance
multivariate normal density with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
negative binomial density function
normal density function
Pareto density function
Poisson density function
Student’s t-distribution density function
converts string to observation number
uniform density function
@dupselem(x1[, x2,..., s])
duplicates enumeration
@dupsid(x1[, x2,..., s])
duplicates identifiers
@dupsobs(x1[, x2,..., s])
duplicates observations
Creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation lies between the dates given by the date pair contained in arg1, and 0 otherwise. arg1 should be given in quotes.
Weibull density function
Wishart density with sym covariance
Wishart density with sym Choesky of covariance
Wishart density with sym inverse covariance
Wishart density with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
observations in range
returns a string containing the value of the Windows environment variable str.
@eqna(str1, str2)
test for equality of strings
equal to
error function
complementary error function
@event(arg1[, basis])
Proportion of a one-off event that lies in each observation.
@exp(x), exp(x)
for x near zero,
natural logarithm of the factorial,
F-distribution p-value
returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the filename specified by str exists on disk.
returns the value of the first non-missing value in the series for the current sample.
@firstsby(arg1, arg2[, s])
First non-missing value in arg1 for each arg2 group.
largest integer not greater than.
returns a binary scalar, equal to 1 if the folder specified by str exists on disk, and 0 otherwise.
fractional difference operator.
future value.
(complete) gamma function
first derivative of the gamma function
incomplete gamma function
derivative of the incomplete gamma function
inverse of the incomplete gamma function
logarithm of the gamma function
returns a string containing the next available variable name in the workfile, starting with str. e.g. entering “result” will return “result01” unless there is already a RESULT01, in which case it will return “result02”.
geometric mean
@groupid(arg1[, arg2, ..., argn, s])
group index for the groups defined by arg1 to argn.
harmonic mean
@holiday(h[, b][, flag...])
Proportion of an annual event that lies in each observation.
@holidayset(h[, b][, flag...])
Proportion of annual events that lies in each observation.
returns the hour of each observation as an integer.
returns the hour of each observation as a floating point number.
recode by condition
returns the workfile index of the first non-missing value in the series for the current sample.
returns the workfile index of the last non-missing value in the series for the current sample.
returns the workfile index of the maximum value in the series for the current sample.
returns the workfile index of the minimum value in the series for the current sample.
@inlist(x, “list”)
Creates a dummy variable equal to 1 for observations where the series is equal to one of the values specified in list, and 0 otherwise. list should be a quoted, space delimited list of values. This function works on both numerical and alpha series.
inner product
@insert(str1, str2, n])
string insertion
@instr(str1, str2[, n])
string location
intercept of OLS regression versus implicit time trend
tests for blank strings
equal to NA
returns indicator for whether the workfile is panel structured.
period dummy
@kurtsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
kurtosis of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
@lag(x[, n])
n-th order lag (equivalent to “X(‑4”) for the series X)
returns the value of the last non-missing value in the series for the current sample.
@lastsby(arg1, arg2[, s])
Last non-missing value in arg1 for each arg2 group.
@left(str, n)
returns the left part of a string
length of a string
length of a string
@log(x), log(x)
natural logarithm,
base-10 logarithm,
for negative x near zero,
for x near zero,
logistic transform
base-b logarithm,
lowercases a string
removes spaces from a string
@mae(x, y)
the mean of the absolute value of the difference between X and Y.
@makedate(arg1[,arg2[,arg3]], fmt])
converts number to date
@map(x[, mapname])
mapped value
100 multiplied by the mean of the absolute difference between X and Y, divided by Y.
n-period backward moving average. NAs are not propagated.
n-period centered moving average. NAs are not propagated.
n-maximum values, returned largest to smallest in a vector object.
@maxsby((arg1, arg2[, arg3, arg4..., argn, s)
maximum value of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn group.
n-period backwards moving correlation. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards population moving covariance. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving population covariance. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample covariance. NAs are not propagated.
@meansby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
mean of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
@mediansby(arg1, arg2[, arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
median of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group
@mid(str, n1[, n2])
returns the middle part of a string
n-period backwards inner product of X and Y. NAs are not propagated.
n-minimum values, returned smallest to largest in a vector object.
@minsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
minimum value of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
returns the minute of each observation as an integer.
n-period backwards kurtosis. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving maximum. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backward moving median. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving minimum. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards number of NA observations. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards number of non-NA observations. NAs are not propagated.
floating point remainder
n-period backward moving average. NAs are propagated.
n-period centered moving average. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving correlation. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving population covariance. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving population covariance. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample covariance. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards inner product of X and Y. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards kurtosis. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving maximum. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving minimum. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards nmber of NA observations
n-period backwards nmber of non-NA observations
n-period backwards skewness. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample standard deviation. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving population standard deviation. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample standard deviation. NAs are propagated.
n-period backward moving sum. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards sum-of-squares. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving population variance. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving population variance. NAs are propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample variance. NAs are propagated.
the mean of the squared difference between X and Y.
n-period backwards skewness. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample standard deviation. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving population standard deviation. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample standard deviation. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backward moving sum. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards sum-of-squares. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving population variance. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving population variance. NAs are not propagated.
n-period backwards moving sample variance. NAs are not propagated.
recode NAs in X to Y
number of NAs
@nasby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
number of arg1 NA values for each arg2 to argn defined group.
@neqna(str1, str2)
tests for inequality of strings
not equal to
returns current time
annuity number of periods
normal random number generator
number of observations
@obsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
number of non-NA arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
cross-section observation number
observations in range
observations in sample
logical or
converts observation number to string
converts sample observation number to string
returns a scalar containing the number of pages in the current workfile.
returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the page specified by str exists in the current workfile.
returns a string containing the current page’s frequency.
returns a string containing a space delimited list of the id series for the current workfile page.
returns a space delimited string containing the names of all the pages in the current active workfile.
returns a string containing the current default page name.
returns a string containing the current sample for the active page.
one-period percentage change (in percent)
one-period percentage change—annualized (in percent)
one-period percentage change (in decimal)
one-period percentage change—annualized (in decimal)
one-year percentage change (in decimal)
@pctiles(x[, ties, s])
one-year percentage change (in percent)
@periodtodate(x, p)
cumulative sum of series x within each period, where each period is defined by a contiguous block of identical values in series p
returns the pairwise max of x and y (for more than pairs, you may still use @rmax)
returns the pairwise min of x and y (for more than pairs, you may still use @rmin
payment amount
for x near 1,
for x near zero,
see @digamma
present value
beta quantile function (inverse CDF)
binomial quantile function (inverse CDF)
chi-square quantile function (inverse CDF)
exponential quantile function (inverse CDF)
extreme value quantile function (inverse CDF)
F-distribution quantile function (inverse CDF)
gamma quantile function (inverse CDF)
generalized error quantile function (inverse CDF)
Laplace quantile function (inverse CDF)
logistic quantile function (inverse CDF)
log normal quantile function (inverse CDF)
negative binomial quantile function (inverse CDF)
normal quantile function (inverse CDF)
Pareto quantile function (inverse CDF)
Poisson quantile function (inverse CDF)
Student’s t-distribution quantile function (inverse CDF)
@quantilesby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn], q[, s])
q-quantiles of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
quarter of the year in a dated workfile
uniform quantile function (inverse CDF)
Weibull quantile function (inverse CDF)
beta random number generator
binomial random number generator
chi-square random number generator
recode by condition
@replace(str1, str2, str3[,n])
replaces a string with another
exponential random number generator
extreme value random number generator
F-distribution random number generator
row-wise first non-NA value.
gamma random number generator
generalised error random number generator
returns the right parts of a string
row-wise first non-NA index.
row-wise last non-NA index.
row-wise maximum index.
row-wise minimum index.
Inverse Wishart random number generator with sym covariance
Inverse Wishart random number generator with sym Choesky of covariance
Inverse Wishart random number generator with sym inverse covariance
Inverse Wishart andom number generator with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
Laplace random number generator
row-wise last non-NA value.
logistic random number generator
log normal random number generator
row-wise maximum value.
row-wise mean.
row-wise median
row-wise minimum value.
multivariate normal random number generator with sym covariance
multivariate normal random number generator with sym Choesky of covariance
multivariate normal random number generator with sym inverse covariance
multivariate normal random number generator with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
row-wise number of NAs.
negative binomial random number generator
normal random number generator
row-wise number of non-NAs.
round to the nearest integer
Pareto random number generator
Poisson random number generator
row-wise product (one should be careful of overflow)
row-wise quantile, where q is the quantile. The Cleveland quantile definition is used.
row-wise sample standard deviation.
row-wise population standard deviation.
row-wise sample standard deviation.
row-wise sum.
row-wise sum-of-squares.
Student’s t-distribution random number generator
removes spaces from a string
uniform random number generator
row-wise count of observations matching v.
row-wise population variance.
row-wise population variance
row-wise sample variance.
Weibull random number generator
Wishart random number generator with sym covariance
Wishart random number generator with sym Choesky of covariance
Wishart random number generator with sym inverse covariance
Wishart andom number generator with sym Cholesky of inverse covariance
seasonal dummy
returns the second of each observation as an integer.
returns -1, 0, 1 depending on the sign of the corresponding element of x
sine (argument in radians)
@skewsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s)
skewness of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
symmetric mean absolute percentage error
@sqrt(x), sqr(x)
square root
standard deviation
population standard deviation
sample standard deviation
@stdevpsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
standard deviation of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
@stdevsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
sample standard deviation of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
@stdevssby((arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
sample standard deviation of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
@stdize(x[, s])
standardize series using sample variance.
standardize series using population variance.
converts a number to a string
string corresponding to each element in workfile
string dates
length of a string
returns current time as a string
@sumsby(arg1, arg2[, s])
sum of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
@sumsqsby(arg1, arg2[, s])
sum of squares of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group.
returns a space delimited string containing the names of the table names of a foreign file.
tangent (argument in radians)
t-distribution p-value
time trend
time trend
calendar time trend
calendar time trend
coefficient from OLS regression on a trend
@trmean(x,p[, s])
trimmed mean
second derivative of the log gamma function
removes spaces from a string
@unmap(x, mapname)
unmapped numeric value
@unmaptxt(x, mapname)
unmapped text value
uppercases a string
@val(str[, fmt])
converts a string to a number
population variance
population variance
@varpsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
variance of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
sample variance
@varsby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
variance of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
@varssby(arg1, arg2[,arg3, arg4..., argn, s])
sample variance of arg1 observations for each arg2 to argn defined group (division by ).
returns a scalar containing the EViews version number.
returns a string containing the EViews version string (EViews Enterprise Edition).
returns a string list containing a list of all of the files in the directory str.
day of the week
returns a string containing the current default workfile name.
returns a string containing the current default workfile path.
@wquery("database", "search_expression", "attribute_list")
returns a string list containing the attribute_list of all objects in database that match the query given by search_expression .
returns a string from the external application.
returns a scalar from the external application.
returns the external application version number as a string.
returns the external application version number as a number.
@ytd(x, p)
returns the cumulative sum of a series within the year.