Command Reference : String and Date Function Reference
String and Date Function Reference
EViews provides a full library of string and date functions for use with alphanumeric and date values. “Strings and Dates”contains a discussion of the use of strings and dates in EViews, and provides a description of the string and date functions.
String Function Summary
String Functions
@addquotes returns string with quotation marks added to ends.
@asc return ASCII code for first character of string.
@chr return character string for given integer ASCII code.
@datestr converts a date number into a string.
@dateval converts a string into a date number.
@dtoo returns observation number corresponding to the date specified by a string.
@eqna tests for equality of string values treating empty strings as ordinary blank values.
@insert inserts string into another string.
@instr finds the starting position of the target string in a string.
@left returns the leftmost characters string.
@len finds the length of a string.
@length finds the length of a string.
@lower returns the lowercase representation of a string.
@ltrim returns the string with spaces trimmed from the left end.
@mid returns a substring from a string.
@neqna tests for inequality of string values treating empty strings as ordinary blank values.
@otod returns a string associated with a date or observation value in the workfile.
@otods returns a string associated with a date or observation value in the current workfile sample.
@replace replaces substring in a string.
@right returns the rightmost characters of a string.
@rinstr finds the starting position of the target string in a string, in reverse.
@rtrim returns the string with spaces trimmed from the right end.
@sfill fill string vector from command separated list of strings.
@str returns a string representing the given number.
@stripcommas returns string with commas removed.
@stripparens returns string with parentheses removed.
@stripquotes returns string with quotation marks removed.
@strlen finds the length of a string.
@strnow returns a string representation of the current date.
@trim returns the string with spaces trimmed from the both ends.
@upper returns the uppercase representation of a string.
@val returns the number that a string represents.
@wcount returns the number of elements in a string list.
@wcross returns the cross of two string lists.
@wdelim replaces delimiters in a string list.
@wdrop drops elements from a string list.
@wfind finds string in string list.
@wfindnc finds string in string list, ignoring case.
@winterleave interleaves two string lists.
@wintersect intersects two string lists.
@wjoin return a space delimited string list containing the contents of an svector.
@wkeep keeps elements in a string list.
@wleft returns the leftmost elements in a string list.
@wmid returns a substring from a string.
@wnotin returns parts of a string list not found in another string list.
@word returns the i-th element from a string list.
@wordq returns the i-th element from a string list, preserving quotes.
@wread returns a string containing the contents of the specified text file on disk.
@wreplace replaces parts of a string based on patterns.
@wrfind finds last occurrence of string in string list.
@wrfindnc finds last occurrence of string in string list, ignoring case.
@wright returns the rightmost elements in a string list.
@wsort sorts a string list.
@wsplit returns an svector containing elements of a string list.
@wunion returns the union of two string lists.
@wunique returns a string list with duplicate elements removed.
Date Function Summary
Date Functions
@dateadd add to a date.
@datediff computes difference between dates.
@dateceil rounds date up to end of period.
@datefloor rounds date down to start of period.
@datenext rounds date down to start of following period.
@datepart extracts part of date.
@datestr converts a date number into a string.
@dateval converts a string into a date number.
@dtoo returns observation number corresponding to the date specified by a string.
@localt returns the local time zone representation of a point in time input in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) .
@makedate converts numeric values into a date number.
@now returns the date number associated with the current time.
@otod returns a string associated with a the date or observation value.
@strdate returns string corresponding to each element in workfile.
@strnow returns a string representation of the current date.
@tz converts a point in time from the source time zone into the destination time zone.
@tzlist converts a point in time from the source time zone into the destination time zone.
@tzspec returns time zone information for the first time zone whose description contains the piece of text .
@utc returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value for a point in time input using a local time zone value .