New Features in EViews 12
New Features in EViews 12
EViews 12 features a number of exciting changes and improvements. The following is an overview of the most important new features in Version 12.
Note that in some cases, entries will appear in more than one section as they might otherwise be overlooked by those who may find them of interest.
General EViews Interface
All new JSON-based workfile format ( “New Workfile Format”).
Table export to Markdown Format ( “Table Export to Markdown Format”).
Data Handling
DBnomics support ( “DBnomics”).
U.S. Energy Information Administration support ( “U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)”).
IHSMarkit support ( “See also dbopen IHS Markit”).
OECD SDMX support ( “OECD SDMX (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange)”).
All new JSON-based EViews workfile format ( “New Workfile Format”).
Animated graphs ( “Animated Graphs”).
XY Error Bar graphs ( “XY Error Bar Graphs”).
Sample-based line and shade placement ( “Sample Line and Shade Placement”).
Econometrics and Statistics
Estimation and Analysis
Regression Variable Selection using GETS and Lasso ( “Regression Variable Selection”).
Indicator saturation testing for outliers and structural breaks in a regression specification ( “Indicator Saturation”).
Improved MIDAS Mixed Frequency Regression ( “Mixed-Frequency Regression”).
Fractionally Integrated GARCH and EGARCH estimation ( “FI(E)GARCH”).
New evaluation tools for all GARCH models ( “News Impact, Stability Tests, Sign Bias Misspecification Tests”).
Enhanced Elastic Net and Lasso tools ( “Elastic Net and Lasso”).
Improved VAR impulse response user interface ( “Impulse Response User Interface”).
Bootstrap impulse response confidence intervals for VARs and VECs ( “Bootstrap Impulse Response Confidence Intervals”).
Two-way cluster robust standard errors in panel and pool settings ( “Panel and Pool Two-way Cluster Robust Covariances”).
Enhanced tools for estimating and analyzing functional coefficients models ( “Functional Coefficients Models”).
Testing and Diagnostics
Correlated (second generation) panel unit root tests (PANIC and CIPS) ( “Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Unit Root Tests”).
Wavelet decomposition of a series: discrete transform, outlier detection, decomposition of variance, thresholding ( “Wavelet Decomposition”).
New number of factor selection methods for principal components and factor analysis ( “Number of Factor Selection Methods”).
Solving control to meet target ( “Solve Control for Target”).
Endogenous variables specification ( “Endogenous Variable Specification”).
Command Language
New object data members ( “Object Data Members”).
List of new or updated global commands ( “Updated Command List”).
List of new or updated object commands ( “Updated Object List”).
EViews 12 Compatibility Notes
Compatibility notes for users of EViews 11 and earlier ( “EViews 12 Compatibility Notes”).