Learning Resources

EViews Documentation The full EViews documentation/help system available online.
Online Tutorials A set of free online or downloadable tutorials teaching the basics of EViews. Every new user should start here!
New Feature Demonstrations A collection of videos demonstrating the new features available in EViews 10.
Text Books Various econometric and statistical text books come bundled with EViews, or are written specifically with EViews in mind.
EViews Illustrated A free "where to begin" guide filled with examples and step-by-step instructions to help both new and experienced users harness the full power of EViews.
EViews Webinars EViews webinars are online interactive, live classes that provide a convenient and inexpensive way to obtain training in EViews.
Structural Modelling with EViews Structural Econometric Modelling: Methodology and tools with applications under EViews, by Jean-Louis Brillet, describes how to use the model object in EViews to solve structural economic models.