Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Equation
Create residual series.
Creates and saves residuals in the workfile from an estimated equation object.
equation_name.makeresids(options) [res1]
Follow the equation name with a period and the makeresids keyword, then provide a name to be given to the stored residual.
o (default)
Ordinary residuals.
Standardized residuals (available only after weighted estimation and GARCH, binary, ordered, censored, and count models).
g (default for ordered models)
Generalized residuals (available only for binary, ordered, censored, and count models).
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
equation eq1.ls y c m1 inf unemp
eq1.makeresids res_eq1
estimates a linear regression of Y on a constant, M1, INF, UNEMP, and saves the residuals as a series named RES_EQ1.
See “Weighted Least Squares” for a discussion of standardized residuals after weighted least squares and “Discrete and Limited Dependent Variable Models” for a discussion of standardized and generalized residuals in binary, ordered, censored, and count models.