Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference
Object View and Procedure Reference
This section contains a reference guide to the views, procedures, and data members for each of the objects found in EViews, grouped by object:
In addition, there is a link object which, depending on its definition, may be used as an alpha or numeric series (see Link).
To use these views, procedures, and data members, you should provide an optional action (described below), then list the name of the object followed by a period, and then the name of the method, view, procedure, or data member, along with any options or arguments:
object_name.method_name(options) arguments
object_name.view_name(options) arguments
object_name.proc_name(options) arguments
output_type_declaration output_name = object_name.data_member
The first three types of expressions are collectively referred to as object commands. An object command is a command which displays a view of or performs a procedure using a specific object. Object commands have two main parts: an action followed by a view or procedure specification. The display action determines what is to be done with the output from the view or procedure. The view or procedure specification may provide for options and arguments to modify the default behavior.
The complete syntax for an object command has the form:
action(action_opt) object_name.view_or_proc(options_list) arg_list
action is one of the four verb commands (do, freeze, print, show).
action_opt an option that modifies the default behavior of the action.
object_name the name of the object to be acted upon.
view_or_proc the object view or procedure to be performed.
options_list an option that modifies the default behavior of the view or procedure.
arg_list a list of view or procedure arguments.
The four possible action commands behave as follows:
show displays the object view in a window.
do executes procedures without opening a window. If the object’s window is not currently displayed, no output is generated. If the objects window is already open, do is equivalent to show.
freeze creates a table or graph from the object view window.
print prints the object view window.
In most cases, you need not specify an action explicitly. If no action is provided, the show action is assumed for views and the do action is assumed for most procedures (though some procedures will display newly created output in windows unless run in a batch program).
For example, to display the line graph view of the series object CONS, you can enter the command:
To perform a dynamic forecast using the estimates in the equation object EQ1, you may enter:
eq1.forecast y_f
To save the coefficient covariance matrix from EQ1, you can enter:
sym cov1 = eq1.@coefcov
See “Object and Command Basics” for additional discussion of using commands in EViews.