Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Equation
Displays a spool object producing a quantile process for each of the conditional error correction and error correction coefficients.
eq_name.qrecprocess(options) [arg]
where arg is a optional list containing the quantile values (specified using numbers, scalar objects, or vectors) for which you wish to compute estimates.
If arg is not specified, EViews will display results for the original equation along with coefficients for equations estimated at a set of equally spaced number of quantiles as specified by the “n=” option. If “n=” is not specified, the default is to display results for the deciles.
If arg is specified, EViews will display results for the original equation along with coefficients for equations estimated at the specified quantiles.
n=arg (default=10)
Number of quantiles for process estimates.
Save vector containing test quantile values.
Saves two matrices differentiated by suffixes "_cec" and "_ec", corresponding to the coefficients associated with the CEC and EC forms, respectively. Each column of the matrix corresponds to a different quantile matching the corresponding quantile in "quantout=". To match the covariance matrix given in "covout=" you should take the @vec of the coefficient matrix.
Saves two symmetric matrices, differentiated by suffixes "_cec" and "_ec", corresponding to the covariance matrices of coefficients associated with the CEC and EC forms, respectively.
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
Print results.
This generates a quantile process of the CEC and EC coefficients for each quantile running from 0.1 to 0.9.
ardl_eq.qrecprocess(n=4, quantout=_vec_q, coefout=_mat_coefs, covout=_mat_covs)
ardl_eq.qrecprocess(quantout=_vec_q, coefout=_mat_coefs, covout=_mat_covs) 0.25 0.5 0.75
Both commands generate the process for CEC and EC coefficients for each of the quantile values 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75. Additionally, this produces 5 workfile objects, "_vec_q" (a vector), "_mat_coefs_cec" (a matrix), "_mat_coefs_ec" (a matrix), "_mat_covs_cec" (a matrix), and "_mat_covs_ec" (a matrix), corresponding to the three quantile values, coefficient process for each of the CEC and EC forms, covariances process for each of the CEC and EC forms, respectively.
See also Equation::qrcrprocess and Equation::qrprocess.