Function Reference: D
d Difference (time-series) functions for series.
@date Date number of observation.
@dateadd Date number after applying offset.
@datediff Difference between two date numbers.
@dateceil Last possible date in a time period.
@datefloor Earliest possible date in a time period.
@datenext First possible date in the next time period.
@datestr String representation of a date number.
@dateval Date number associated with a string representation of a date.
@daycount Number of days of week in observation.
@dbeta Beta distribution probability density.
@dbinom Binomial probability function.
@dbname String containing the default database name .
@dbvnorm Bivariate normal probability density function.
@dchisq Chi-square probability density function.
@dcumdn Difference of cumulative sum of negative (below threshold) changes in a series.
@dcumdp Difference of cumulative sum of positive (above threshold) changes in a series.
@dcumdz Difference of cumulative sum of zero (at threshold) changes in a series.
@demean Compute deviations from the mean of the series.
@demeanby Compute deviations from the mean of the series by group.
@det Determinant of matrix.
@detrend Compute deviations from the trend of the series.
@dexp Exponential probability density function.
@dextreme Extreme value (Type I-minimum) distribution function.
@dfdist F-distribution probability density function.
@dgamma Gamma probability density function.
@dged Generalized error probability density function.
@digamma First derivative of the natural log gamma function.
@diwish Inverse Wishart probability density function.
@dlaplace Laplace probability density function.
dlog Difference functions for natural logarithm of a series.
@dlognorm Log normal probability density function.
@dmvnorm Multivariate normal probability density function.
@dnegbin Negative binomial probability function.
@dnorm Standard normal probability density function.
@dpareto Pareto probability density function.
@dtdist Student’s
probability density function.
@dtoo Observation number in the workfile associated with a date string.
@dunif Uniform probability density function.
@dupselem Identifier for the observation within the set of duplicates.
@dupsid Identifier for the duplicates group for the observation.
@dupsobs Number of observations in the corresponding duplicates group.
@during Indicator of whether an observation is between two dates
@dweib Weibull probability density function.
@dwish Wishart probably density function.