Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: I
Inverse of matrix.
Syntax: @inverse(m)
m: matrix, sym
Return: matrix, sym
Returns the inverse of a square matrix object or sym.
The inverse has the property that the product of the inverse and the source matrix and is the identity matrix. The inverse of a matrix returns a matrix, while the inverse of a sym returns a sym. Note that inverting a sym is much faster than inverting a matrix.
matrix m1 = @mrnd(500, 10)
sym s1 = @inner(m1)
matrix sinv = @inverse(s1)
generates a matrix of random normals, computes the inner product and then its inverse.
The following demonstrates the properties of the inverse,
matrix i1 = sinv * s1
where I1 is the identity matrix.
See also @det, @issingular, @pinverse, and @rank.