Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: S
String representation of the current date and time.
Syntax: @strnow(fmt)
fmt: date format string
Return: string
Returns a string representation of the current date number (at the moment the function is evaluated) using the date format string, fmt.
Date format syntax is outlined in “Date Formats”.
The command
@datestr(@now, "DD/mm/yyyy")
both return the dates string at the moment of evaluation in “DD/mm/yyyy” format.
Using intra-day formats,
@strnow("yyyy-MM-DD HH:mi:ss")
@datestr(@now, "yyyy-MM-DD HH:mi:ss")
both return the date string at the moment of evaluation in "yyyy-MM-DD HH:mi:ss" format.
See also @strdate and @datestr.