Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Group
Declare a group object containing a group of series.
group group_name ser1 ser2 [ser3 ...]
Follow the group name with a list of series to be included in the group.
The wildcard operator, *, may be used as part of the series list to include many series at once. The keywords AND or NOT can be used to specify certain series should not be included in the group.
group g1 gdp cpi inv
group g1 tb3 m1 gov
g1.add gdp cpi
The first line creates a group named G1 that contains three series GDP, CPI, and INV. The second line redeclares group G1 to contain the three series TB3, M1, and GOV. The third line adds two series GDP and CPI to group G1 to make a total of five series. See Group::add.
group rhs d1 d2 d3 d4 gdp(0 to -4)
ls cons rhs
ls cons c rhs(6)
The first line creates a group named RHS that contains nine series. The second line runs a linear regression of CONS on the nine series in RHS. The third line runs a linear regression of CONS on C and only the sixth series GDP(-1) of RHS.
group g2 us_*
This line creates a group named G2 that contains any series whose name starts with the characters US_.
group g3 * not resid
This command makes a group, G3, containing all series in the workfile except for the resid series.
group g4 a* and *1
Makes a group named G4 containing all series whose names begin with the letter A and end with L.
group g5 a* b* not *1 *2
This line makes a group, G5, containing all series whose names begin with either letter A or B and do not end with either 1 or 2.
group g6 g1 and g2
Makes a group named G6 containing all series that are both in group G1 and group G2 (i.e. the intersection of the two groups).
See “Groups” for additional discussion.
See also Group::add and Group::drop.