Function | Name | Description |
@env(str) | environment variables | returns a string containing the value of the Windows environment variable str. For example @env(“username”) returns the user-name of the current logged in user. @env(“computername”) returns the name of the computer. |
@fileexist(str) | file exist | returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the filename specified by str exists on disk. |
@folderexist(str) | folder exist | returns a binary scalar, equal to 1 if the folder specified by str exists on disk, and 0 otherwise. |
@tablenames(str) | table/sheet names | returns a space delimited string containing the names of the table names of a foreign file. str should be the name (and path) of the foreign file, enclosed in quotes. For an Excel file, the names of the Excel sheets will be returned. |
@getnextname(str) | get next name | returns a string containing the next available variable name in the workfile, starting with str. e.g. entering “result” will return “result01” unless there is already a RESULT01, in which case it will return “result02”. |
@vernum | version number | returns a scalar containing the EViews version number. |
@verstr | version string | returns a string containing the EViews version string (e.g. “EViews Enterprise Edition”). |
@wdir(str) | directory listing | returns a string list containing a list of all of the files in the directory str. |
@wquery(“database”, “search_expression”, “attribute_list”) | database query | returns a string list containing the attribute_list of all objects in database that match the query given by search_expression (see
@wquery for details). |
Function | Name | Description |
@elem(x,"v") | element | returns the value of a series at an observation or date. The observation or date should be entered in double quotes. |
@first(x) | first element | returns the value of the first non-missing value in the series for the current sample. |
@ifirst(x) | index of first element | returns the workfile index of the first non-missing value in the series for the current sample. |
@ilast(x) | last element | returns the workfile index of the last non-missing value in the series for the current sample. |
@last(x) | index of last element | returns the value of the last non-missing value in the series for the current sample. |
Function | Name | Description |
@dbname | database name | returns a string containing the current default database. |
@ispanel | panel workfile | returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the workfile is panel structured. |
@obsrange | observations in range | returns the number of observations in the workfile range. |
@obssmpl | observations in sample | returns the number of observations in the workfile sample. |
@pagecount | page count | returns a scalar containing the number of pages in the current workfile. |
@pageexist(str) | page exists | returns a 0 or 1 depending on whether the page specified by str exists in the current workfile. |
@pagefreq | page frequency | returns a string containing the frequency of the active page. |
@pageids | workfile page identifiers | returns a string containing a space delimited list of the id series for the current workfile page. |
@pagelist | page names list | returns a space delimited string containing the names of all the pages in the current active workfile. |
@pagename | page name | returns a string containing the name of the active page. |
@pagesmpl | workfile page sample | returns a string containing the current sample for the active page. |
@wfname | workfile name | returns a string containing the current default workfile name. |
@wfpath | workfile path | returns a string containing the current default workfile path. |
Function | Name | Description |
@after(arg1) | date is after | creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation is after or on the date given by arg1. arg1 should be enclosed in quotes. |
@before(arg1) | date is before | creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation is before the date given by arg1. arg1 should be enclosed in quotes. |
@date | date | returns the date value. |
@day | day of month | returns the day of the month. |
@during(arg1) | date is during | creates a dummy variable equal to 1 if the observation lies between the dates given by the date pair contained in arg1, and 0 otherwise. arg1 should be given in quotes. |
@enddate | observations in range | returns the end date of the period of time associated with the observation in the workfile. |
@event(d1[,d2 basis]) | event proportion | proportion of a one-off event that lies in each observation.(See
“Event Function (@event)” for syntax and discussion). |
@holiday(h[, b][, flag...] | holiday proportion | proportion of an annual event that lies in each observation. (See
“Holiday Functions” for syntax and discussion). |
@holidayset(h[, b][, flag...] | holidayset proportion | proportion of an annual events that lies in each observation. (See
“Holiday Functions” for syntax and discussion). |
@hour | hour | returns the hour of each observation as an integer. |
@hourf | hour floating point | returns the hour of each observation as a floating point number (e.g., 9:30 a.m. returns 9.5, and 5:15 p.m. returns 17.25). |
@isperiod(x) | period dummy | returns a dummy variable for whether the observation is in the specified period. |
@minute | minutes | returns the minute of each observation as an integer. |
@month | month | returns the month of an observation. |
@quarter | quarter | returns the quarter of an observation. |
@seas(x) | seasonal dummy | returns a seasonal dummy variable. |
@second | seconds | returns the second of each observation as an integer. |
@strdate(x) | string dates | returns a string representing the date for every observation. |
@trend([x]) | time trend | returns a time trend using the workfile calendar. |
@trendc([x]) | calendar time trend | returns a time trend where the trend uses calendar time. |
@weekday | day of the week | returns the day of the week. |
@year | year | returns the year |
Function | Name | Description |
@cellid | element | returns the inner dimension identifier index. |
@crossid | observations in range | returns the cross-section identifier index. |
@obsid | cross-section observation number | returns the observation number within each panel cross section. |
@trend | time trend | returns a time trend for each cross-section using the observed dates in the panel. |
@trendc | calendar time trend | returns a time trend for each cross-section where the trend uses calendar time. |