Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Model
Initialize add factors.
model_name.addinit(options) equation_spec
where equation_spec identifies the equations for which you wish to initialize the add factors. You may either provide a list of endogenous variables, or you may use one of the following shorthand keywords:
All equations
All stochastic equations (no identities)
All identities
The options control the type of initialization and the scenario for which you want to perform the initialization. addinit may be called multiple times to initialize various types of add factors in the different scenarios.
v=arg (default=“z”)
Initialize add factors: “z” (set add factor values to zero), “n” (set add factor values so that the equation has no residual when evaluated at actuals), “b” (set add factors to the values of the baseline; override=actual), “a” (set add factor values so that the equation has no residual when evalulated at actives).
s=arg (default=“a”)
Scenario selection: “a” (set active scenario add factors), “b” (set baseline scenario/actuals add factors), “o” (set active scenario override add factors).
m1.addinit(v=b) @all
sets all of the add factors in the active scenario to the values of the baseline.
m1.addinit(v=z) @stochastic
m1.addinit(v=n) y1 y1 y2
first sets the active scenario stochastic equation add factors to zero, and then sets the Y1, Y2, and Y3 equation residuals to zero (evaluated at actuals).
m1.addinit(s=b, v=z) @stochastic
sets the baseline scenario add factors to zero.
See “Using Add Factors”. See also “Models” for a general discussion of models.
See also Model::addassign.