Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Model
Solve for values of one or more control variables so that an equal number of target series follow specified trajectories over the current workfile sample.
model_name.control(options) controls targets trajectories
The controls, targets, and trajectories parameters are all lists of variable/series names, which may comprise any combination of individual series or group object names. The controls should be exogenous variables and the targets endogenous variables, with the trajectories being arbitrary series. An equal number of control, target, and trajectory series must be specified. These three lists do not need to be ordered strictly as above; they may be interleaved or kept together in blocks. For example, any of the following arrangements of the six arguments for a two-variable control would be acceptable: Examples
control1 control2 target1 target2 trajectory1 trajectory2
control1 target1 trajectory1 control2 target2 trajectory2
control1 control2 target1 trajectory1 target2 trajectory2
The solved values overwrite the original control series unless the ‘create’ or ‘csuffix’ option is specified. When the names for target and trajectory series share a common base, the ‘tsuffix’ option may be used to abridge the parameter list.
Store the solved values in series with a given suffix rather than overwriting the original control series. The destination series names are the control names appended with either the active scenario alias suffix (the default) or the suffix specified by the csuffix option.
Specifies the series name suffix for storing modified control values. The presence of this option implies the create option above.
Specifies the series name suffix for generating trajectory names from target names. When this option is present, the trajectories argument should be omitted.
m1.control myvar targetvar trajvar
will alter the values of exogenous variable MYVAR such that the model solution will produce values for endogenous variable TARGETVAR to match series TRAJVAR over the current workfile sample.
m1.control(create) isav irtn ftot ftot_tr gtot gtot_tr
will determine the values of exogenous variables ISAV and IRTN such that the model solution will produce values for endogenous variables FTOT and GTOT that match series FTOT_TR and GTOT_TR, respectively. Assuming the current model scenario suffix is _0, the control values will be stored in series named ISAV_0 and IRTN_0.
m1.control(create, tsuffix=_tr) isav irtn ftot gtot
similar to the previous example, but the trajectory series names are implicitly defined as the target names appended with the _tr suffix, i.e., FTOT_TR and GTOT_TR.
See “Solve Control for Target”. See “Models” for a general discussion of models.