Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Model
Make a group out of model series and display dated data table.
model_name.makegroup(options) grp_name model_vars
The makegroup keyword should be followed by options, the name of the destination group, and the list of model variables to be created. The options control the choice of model series, and transformation and grouping features of the resulting dated data table view. The list of model_vars may include the following special keywords:
All model variables.
All endogenous model variables.
All exogenous model variables.
All add factor variables in the model.
All currently overridden exogenous variables
All currently overridden endogenous variables
Include actuals.
Include comparison scenarios.
Include deviations.
Include percentage deviations.
Do not include active scenario (by default the active scenario is included).
t= arg (default= “level”)
Transformation type: “level” (display levels), “pch” (percent change), “pcha” (display percent change - annual rates), “pchy” (display 1-year percent change), “dif” (display 1-period differences), “dify” (display 1-year differences).
s=arg (default=“d”)
Solution type: “d” (deterministic), “m” (mean of stochastic), “s” (mean and ±2 std. dev. of stochastic), “b” (mean and confidence bounds of stochastic).
g=arg (default=“v”)
Grouping setting for graphs: “v” (group series in graph by model variable), “s” (group series in graph by scenario).
model1.makegroup(a,n) group1 @endog
places all of the actual endogenous series in the group group1.
See “Displaying Data” for details. See “Models” for a general discussion of models.
See also Model::makegraph.