Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Series
Executes the JDemetra+ seasonal adjustment routine on the series.
JDemetra+ is available only for quarterly and monthly series, and only performs X-13 style seasonal adjustment.
Set the JDemetra+ default specification. arg can be "X11", "RSA0", "RSA1", "RSA2c", "RSA3", "RSA4c", "RSA5c". The default is "RSA4c".
Export the seasonal factors d10 series to the workfile.
Do not export the seasonal adjustment d11 series to the workfile.
Export the trend d12 series to the workfile.
Export the irregular component d13 series to the workfile.
Suffix to add to the exported series names before the series type. For example, if the underlying series is named GDP, and a suffix of "_JDSA" is provided, the exported d11 series will be named GDP_JDSA_D11. By default, no additional suffix is provided, so the d11 series would be named GDP_D11.
Set the dependent variable transformation in the pre-adjustment regression. arg can be "none", "auto", "log". If omitted, JDemetra+ will use the transformation setting of the default specification.
Do not perform ARIMA estimation during the pre-adjustment regression of the seasonal adjustment. If one of the noarma, autoarma and fixedarma options are not provided, JDemetra+ will use the ARIMA estimation type of the default specification.
Perform automatic ARIMA order selection during the pre-adjustment regression of the seasonal adjustment. If one of the noarma, autoarma and fixedarma options are not provided, JDemetra+ will use the ARIMA estimation type of the default specification.
Perform ARIMA estimation during the pre-adjustment regression of the seasonal adjustment. If one of the noarma, autoarma and fixedarma options are not provided, JDemetra+ will use the ARIMA estimation type of the default specification.
If using fixedarma, specify the AR order. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
If using fixedarma, specify the MA order. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
If using fixedarma, specify the ARIMA differencing. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
If using fixedarma, specify the seasonal AR order. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
If using fixedarma, specify the seasonal MA order. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
If using fixedarma, specify the ARIMA seasonal differencing. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use its default ARIMA model order.
Include automatic outlier detection in the pre-adjustment regression regression. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use the outlier detection setting of the default specification.
Do not include automatic outlier detection in the pre-adjustment regression. If omitted, JDemetra+ will use the outlier detection setting of the default specification.
Specify the type of trading day adjustment made in the pre-adjustment regression. arg can be "none", "td2c", "td2", "td3", "td3c", "td4", "td7". If omitted, JDemetra+ will use the trading day type set by the default specification.
Use the leap year adjustment in the pre-adjustment regression. If both leapyr and noleapyr are omitted, JDemetra+ will use the option set by the default specification.
Do not use the leap year adjustment in the pre-adjustment regression. If both leapyr and noleapyr are omitted, JDemetra+ will use the option set by the default specification.
Forecast from the pre-adjustment regression model. If fcast and nofcast are omitted, JDemetra+ will use the setting of the default specification.
Do not forecast from the pre-adjustment regression model. If fcast and nofcast are omitted, JDemetra+ will use the setting of the default specification.
If forecasting the pre-adjustment regression model, set the number of observations to be forecast. If omitted, a year of observations will be forecasted.
Provide a list of user-variables used in the pre-adjustment regression model. arg should be a space delimited list of series objects or series generation expressions, surrounded in quotes.
Specify the variable types for the user-variables provided with a userregs= option. arg should be a space delimited list of keywords, with one keyword per user-variable, in the same order as given in the userregs option. Keyword values can be; "undef" (undefined), "ser" (series), "trnd" (trend), "seas" (seasonal), "sa" seasonally adjusted, "irreg" (irregular), or "cal" (calendar). If omitted, user-variables are set to undefined.
Specifies whether to test for the inclusion of Trading Day effects. "Remove" (default) tests for the removal of effects. "Add" tests for the inclusion of effects. "None" performs no testing (effects are always included).
Specifies whether to test for the inclusion of Easter effects. "Remove" (default) tests for the removal of effects. "Add" tests for the inclusion of effects. "None" performs no testing (effects are always included).
hstartsnsa.jdemetra(d10, suffix=_jdm, spec=rsa5c, nooutliers)
This will execute the JDemetra+ X-13 based seasonal adjustment routine on the series HSTARTSNSA. The JDemetra+ RSA5c default specification is used, but outlier detection is turned off. The seasonal factors and seasonally adjusted data are stored into the workfile with the names HSTARTSNA_JDM_D10 and HSTARTSNA_JDM_D11 respectively.
See “JDemetra+” for discussion.