Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Spool
Changes the width (and height) of objects in the spool.
spool_name.width(options) [size_arg]
where size_arg is an optional size in virtual inches. By default, widths will be set for all objects in the spool, if possible (i.e., the graph object is not specified as fixed width, and the width is within limits defined by the current display mode; see Spool::graphmode and Spool::tablemode, for details).
Heights are set proportional to the width to maintain the original aspect ratio.
If size_arg is not provided, the objects will be set to their default sizes.
where arg is the name or the position of a specific object or embedded spool to which you wish to apply sizing.
where arg specifies a restricted subset of objects to be resized: “graph”, “table”, “text”.
If the specified object is an embedded spool, all of its objects will be sized accordingly.
spool01.width 1
resizes all objects in the spool to 1 virtual inch, while
spool01.width(obj=1) 2
spool01.width(obj=tab1) 2
changes the widths of the first object and TAB1 to 2 virtual inches. The heights of the objects will change proportionately.
resets the sizes of the objects to their defaults.
To refer to a child object of a spool, you must specify the object’s path. For instance, given a spool SPOOL01 containing the spool SP1 which in turn contains the graph G2:
spool01.width(obj=sp1/g2) 2
also changes the width of G2 in the embedded spool SP1 to 2 virtual inches, while
spool01.width(obj=sp1) 3
sets the width for all of the objects in SP1 to 3 virtual inches.
spool01.width(type=graph) 2
sets the widths of graphs to 2 virtual inches.
For additional discussion of spools see “Spool Objects”.