Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Var
Estimate a Bayesian VAR specification.
var_name.bvar(options) lag_pairs endog_list [@ exog_list]
bvar estimates an Bayesian VAR. You must specify the order of the VAR (using one or more pairs of lag intervals), and then provide a list of series or groups to be used as endogenous variables. You may include exogenous variables such as trends and seasonal dummies in the VAR by including an “@-sign” followed by a list of series or groups. A constant is automatically added to the list of exogenous variables; to estimate a specification without a constant, you should use the option “noconst”.
General options
Do not include a constant in exogenous regressors list.
prior = keyword (default= “lit”)
Set the prior type: “lit” (Litterman/Minnesota), “nw” (Normal-Wishart), “sznw” (Sims-Zha Normal-Wishart prior), “sznf” (Sims-Zha Normal-flat prior), “glp” (Giannone, Lenze, and Primiceri).
initcov = keyword (default = “uni”)
Set the (initial) residual variance-covariance: “full” (full Classical VAR), “uni” (univariate AR), “diag” (diagonal of full classical VAR), “arconst” (univariate AR and a constant)
By default, EViews uses the “initcov=uni” option so that diagonal elements of the prior residual variance-covariance can be obtained from the estimation of a set of univariate AR models.
Do not degree-of-freedom correct the initial residual covariance.
Use exogenous variables in initial covariance estimate.
Use dummy variables in initial covariance estimate. (Only applicable if dummy variable options are below).
icsmpl = arg
Set the sample used for initial covariance estimate (estimation sample used if omitted).
Use the sum-of-coefficients dummy variable (only applicable if not using Sims-Zha or GLP prior).
Use the initial-observations dummy variable (only applicable if not using Sims-Zha or GLP prior).
Do not use sum-of-coefficients dummy variable (only applicable if using Sims-Zha or GLP prior).
Do not use initial-observations dummy variable (only applicable if using Sims-Zha or GLP prior).
l0 = num
Set the residual covariance tightness hyper-parameter.
l1 = num
Set the overall tightness hyper-parameter.
l2 = num
Set the relative cross-variable weight hyper-parameter.
l3 = num
Set the lag decay hyper-parameter.
l4 = num
Set the exogenous variables hyper-parameter.
l5 = num
Set the other exogenous variables hyper-parameter.
mu1 = num
Set the AR(1) coefficient dummies hyper-parameter.
mu5 = num
Set the sum of coefficient dummies hyper-parameter.
mu6 = num
Set the initial observation dummies hyper-parameter.
c1 = num
Set the S scale hyper-parameter.
c2 = num
Set the V scale hyper-parameter.
c3 = num
Set the degrees-of-freedom hyper-parameter.
Optimize the L1 hyper-parameter.
Optimize the L3 hyper-parameter.
Optimize the MU5 hyper-parameter.
Optimize the MU6 hyper-parameter.
Optimize the initial covariance estimates.
draws = num
Set the number of MCMC draws (only applicable with “prior=inw”).
seed = num
Set the seed for the MCMC generator (only applicable with “prior=inw”).
burn = num
Set the percentage of MCMC draws to use as a burn-in (only applicable with “prior=inw”).
Set maximum number of iterations (only applicable with “prior=glp”).
Set convergence criterion (only applicable with “prior=glp”).
Force the dialog to appear from within a program.
Print basic estimation results.
var mvar.bvar 1 3 m1 gdp
declares and estimates an Bayesian VAR with a Litterman prior named MVAR with two endogenous variables (M1 and GDP), a constant and 3 lags (1 through 3).
mvar.bvar(noconst) 1 3 ml gdp
estimates the same VAR, but with no constant.
var mvar.bvar(prior=nw, mu1=0.2, C1=0.2) 1 3 m1 gdp
specifies a normal-Wishart with hyper-prior values specified as mu1=0.2, C1=0.2.
var mvar.bvar(prior=inw, c1=0.15,c2=0.15, draws=50000) 1 3 m1 gdp
specifies an independent normal-Wishart prior with both C1 and C2 hyper-parameters set equal to 0.15, and the number of Gibb’s sampler draws set to 50,000.
Var mbvar.bvar(prior=glp, initcov=diag, nsumcoef, ninitobs, optl3, m=5000) 1 3 m1 gdp
Specifies a Giannone-Lenza-Primeceri prior, where only Lambda 3 will be optimized, the initial covariance matrix is estimated as a diagonal VAR, neither initial dummy observation priors, and the number of optimization iterations set to 5,000.
See “Bayesian VAR Models” for details.
See also Var::ls and Var::ec for estimation of ordinary VARs and error correction models.