cov |
cov | Product moment covariance. |
corr | Product moment correlation. |
sscp | Sums-of-squared cross-products. |
cases | Number of cases. |
obs | Number of observations. |
wgts | Sum of the weights. |
rcov | Spearman’s rank covariance. |
rcorr | Spearman’s rank correlation. |
rsscp | Sums-of-squared cross-products. |
cases | Number of cases. |
obs | Number of observations. |
wgts | Sum of the weights. |
taub | Kendall’s tau-b. |
taua | Kendall’s tau-a. |
cases | Number of cases. |
obs | Number of observations. |
wgts | Sum of the weights. |
ucov | Product moment covariance. |
ucorr | Product moment correlation. |
usscp | Sums-of-squared cross-products. |
cases | Number of cases. |
obs | Number of observations. |
wgts | Sum of the weights. |
wgt=name (optional) | Name of series containing weights. |
wgtmethod=arg (default = “sstdev”) | Weighting method (when weights are specified using “weight=”): frequency (“freq”), inverse of variances (“var”), inverse of standard deviation (“stdev”), scaled inverse of variances (“svar”), scaled inverse of standard deviations (“sstdev”). Only applicable for ordinary (Pearson) calculations. Weights specified by “wgt=” are frequency weights for rank correlation and Kendall’s tau calculations. |
df | Compute covariances with a degree-of-freedom correction for the mean (for centered specifications), and any partial conditioning variables. |
outfmt=arg (default= “single”) | Output format: single table (“single”), multiple table (“mult”), list (“list”), spreadsheet (“sheet”). Note that “outfmt=sheet” is only applicable if you specify a single statistic keyword. |
out=name | Basename for saving output. All results will be saved in Sym matrices named using keys (“COV”, “CORR”, “SSCP”, “TAUA”, “TAUB”, “CONC” (Kendall’s concurrences), “DISC” (Kendall’s discordances), “CASES”, “OBS”, “WGTS”) appended to the basename (e.g., the covariance specified by “out=my” is saved in the Sym matrix “MYCOV”). |
prompt | Force the dialog to appear from within a program. |
p | Print the result. |