Seminars and Courses
Although EViews provides its own EViews training options, the following EViews related products and services may be of interest to members of the EViews community. Note that the descriptions and links for third–party products, semiars and courses are strictly informative and provided by the third–party service provider. This is not an endorsement by EViews.
Cambridge Econometrics
Introductory Econometrics
Dates on demand
Designed for people with a basic knowledge of statistics but probably very little econometrics, and introduces topics in both time series and microeconometrics. Includes: introduction to economic modelling; introduction to statistical concepts and data analysis; OLS properties, assumptions and violations; applied micro and time series examples.
Instructor: Ben Gardiner .
For further details email
Dates on demand
Aimed at intermediate level (some background knowledge / previous econometrics training). Includes: data analysis techniques; policy analysis; dealing with endogeneity; limited / censored dependent variables; introduction to panel techniques.
Instructor: Ben Gardiner.
For further details email
Time Series Econometrics
Dates on demand
Aimed at intermediate level (some background knowledge / previous econometrics training). Includes: data analysis techniques; univariate modelling; structural modelling; single-equation cointegration; multiple-equation cointegration.
Instructor: Ben Gardiner.
For further details email
Panel Data Econometrics
Dates on demand
Combines elements from both Microeconometrics and Time Series Econometrics to cover a more advanced set of topics, finishing up by looking at leading-edge developments in the field. Includes: panel data analysis; Unobserved effects panel data estimation; dynamic panel estimation; time series panel estimation.
Instructor: Ben Gardiner.
For further details email