EViews 10 Patch Installer

To determine if your installed EViews is out-of-date, you can compare the "build date" of your version of EViews with those posted below. Your version's build date is displayed when you select About EViews... from the EViews Help Menu.
The EViews 10 update executable may be used to update your currently installed EViews 10 to the most recent shipping version. The update installer will not run unless you already have EViews 10 installed on your machine.
In most cases, the easiest way to update your EViews 10 License is to simply click on Help->EViews Update.
Current Update
Patch Date : 2020-02-05
- Improved error checking and behavior for VARs with negative and no lags.
- Fixed import/copy bug when destination is hourly for daily 5.
- Fixed import/refresh bug when workfile is a panel.
- Fix for a crash for SDMX-ML databases caused by very long series names.
- Fixed SDMX-ML database read bug.
- Fixed WorldBank Edx database UI bug.
>>Download patch for 64-bit version ( 138M
MD5 Checksum: cfeb675c16ced91dd4a7b1e0906ed49f
>>Download patch for 32-bit version ( 134M
MD5 Checksum: 22c4510e84ae04039ad46fd7422484d2
Prior Updates
September, 2019
Fix for bug where EViews would no longer recognize certain subexpressions. Fix for SDMX-ML database issue where data files from OECD and BIS were failing to load. For SDMX-ML database changed the name of the series to include the series attributes. Fix for a bug with SDMX-ML databases where an error was reported when files contained quarterly data. Fix for crash in Worldbank Edx when failed to retreive all datasources.
July, 2019
Fix for a bug that could cause excessive stack usage in compiled expressions and lead EViews to crash. Fixed SDMX_ML database issue non-responsive 'browse path' button. Fix for ARDL displaying incorrect cointegrating equation. Fixed issue in group members view displaying an error when trying to add a series to the group. Fix for bug where complex workfiles using freq conversion based on a single indicator was taking too long to open. Added retry workaround for FRED gateway timeout issues Fix for bug where EViews would no longer recognize certain subexpressions. Improved implementation @elem2 function. Fix for missing browse button in SDMX-ML databases. Fix for group workfile load failure. Fix for issue with SDMX databases not displaying the attribute value.
June, 2019
Fix for a crash when UseSmartRefresh was turned off and workfile was opened. Fixed issue with series::stl proc to sometimes ignore its forclen option. Fixed issue with copy(c=first) match merge operation in undated workfiles. Fix for SDMX databases where the decimal separator for numeric values is always a period ("."). Fix for error when re-saving certain EViews 11 workfiles. Fix for a an issue with SDMX ECB database not displaying all available datasets. Fix for bug where EViews was holding onto database file handles even after a call to CLOSE database. Fix for TeX table overflows with adjacent empty cells. Fix for ETS smoothing not outputting certain graphs. Fix for a bug where DirectedGraph copy was causing a crash. Fix to allow equations with only PDL terms.
April, 2019
Fix for a bug in logmode command when executing a program with the run command. Fix for a bug where copy x to an already open db with long file name worked but copy * failed. Fix for a bug where calling import with an untitled workfile open caused a crash when new workfile closes previous one. Revert changed functionality for exec command used within a program that affects the message logs. Fix ARMA forecasting crash. Fix labeling in redundant variables tests. Added support for certain genr functions with Intel compilation turned off. Rolled back fix for 64-bit that introduced divide-by-zero error. Fix for Bloomberg fetches for series without a frequency.
March, 2019
Fix for a potention crash in 64-bit version. Fix for a crash during STEPLS via dialog. Fix for a bug where the object preview dialog did not display correctly when screen resolution changed. Fix for for adjusted R-squared and regression SE in MIDAS estimation. Fix for a bug with program log commands, when include keyword was part of the program. Fix for crash when a user proc deletes its invoking object. Fix for series live stats not using the entire series when the window is first displayed. Fix global options dialog settings for panel graphs. Fix for a bug where pagecreate(idcross) was reading end date of @range argument incorrectly. Fix for a bug in program log commands where error message is diaplayed incorrectly.
February, 2019
Fix for missing empty lines in some PDF output. Fix for import issue with 64 character series name limit. Fix for a bug with state space read issue. Fixed issue with continuation character when proceeded by a tab in programs. Fix for deprecated OneDrive API calls. Disallowed panel breakpoint unit root. Fixed labeling of bds panel error. Adjusted series link menus. Fixed workfile crash. Fixed Logsave bug when saving to a text object.
January, 2019
Fix for missing TeX font styles in tables. Added hide/show option to spool.extract. Fixed bug where newly created page link objects were not properly accessed by groups & equations. Fix for log window display bug. Fix for 'Wide' option not working on panel spreadsheets. Fix for extraneous ampersand in MRU and error messages. Tied pool and global group spreadsheet sample setting together. Fix for logmode(float) command bug.
December, 2018
Fix for incorrect auto series names containing spaces in group members view. Fix for incorrect labelling in equation output. Fix for incorrect EV10 graph template loading on new installs. Fixed inability to load protected models. Fix for inconsistent table behavior in residual VAR spreadsheets. Fix for incorrect graph setelem fillgray command capture. Fix for incorrect refresh license message. Fix for automatic arma forecasting not using 'avg=' option via command. Updated EViews programming to ignore variable substitutions (using braces) when XON is active. Fix for a bug for dialog problem with smooth threshold regression forecasting. Fix for EViews crash when tramo/seats crash (only for 64-bit eviews). Implemented @movsumsq (it no longer always returns NA). Fix for a crash when @quantile is passed a bad third argument. Added custom attribute fields to CEIC data.
October, 2018
Fix for a bug with options to model object procs and data members being ignored. Fix for a bug where object filter dialog was not updating workfile in real-time. Fix for a bug with captured import command for a URL that is not easily typed to a text file. Fix for missing GLM with HAC and OPG sandwich variance calculation option. Fix for a bug whereby model dependency graphs would include incorrect dependencies if the model contained a nested model. Fix for EdxBLS database issue where users failed to receive response from BLS server.
September, 2018
Fix for a bug that caused random crashes during cloud operations. Fix to cluster robust dialog interaction when choosing user weight. Fix for a bug in Google Dive when the user tried to open a previously deleted file. Fix for program crash that execs a 2nd program which includes 3rd program which includes a closed 4th program. Fix for a bug where saving workfile as JSON to cloud drive file didn't actually work. Updated workfile save to JSON to include object remarks. Fix for display bug in equation diagnostics. Fix for incorrect % change (@PCH) label in the compare spreadsheet. Fix for NA handling on matrix @ranks function. Fix for extraneous rows when pasting from Excel in Mac builds. Updated registration dialog for University Edition. Fix error numbers for some matrix language functions. Updated WriteObjects method for IDatabase interface. Fixed crash when re-running certain EViews programs. Added HTTPS support for WFOPEN calls to URLs. Fix for extended ASCII characters not appearing correctly when using non-US based codepages.
August, 2018
Fix for garbled error message when using SPAWN or SHELL. Added Local Cache option for cloud drives. Fix for slow StepLS estimation dialog bug when database autosearch is turned on. Fix for extraneous header row when printing a table after inserting a new first row. Added libcurl usage for SSL cert validation errors on mac version. Fix for crash when freezing the model bound check from the command line. Fix for incorrect closing of workfiles when using EXEC within a subroutine. Fix for ETS smoothing crash. Fix for crash if an invalid transformation is applied in a panel workfile. Fix for crash in discrete choice specified by expression. Fix for incorrect equation gradient table under certain conditions if the sample is changed. Deprecated DatastreamXML database. Fix for ignored cells containing mixed formatting in Excel.
June, 2018
Rolled back fix for forecasting using freq converted series referenced in another page. Display fix for forecast evaluation. Fix for a bug in the calculation of the Johansen cointegration test p-value. Fix for a crash caused when LogSave was used in the beginning of a program. Updated message displayed when LogSave is called from the command line without specifying the name of the log. Improved spreadsheet stability when changing transformations. Disabled the ability to remove series from frozen mixed graphs. Fix for incorrect panel labels in the graph object preview. Fix for crash when using the slider to display 1 graph. Fix for a crash in long copy operations from a program. Fix for ignored FORCE command in X-13. Fix incorrect live stats with sorted spreadsheets. Fix for unregistered 64-bit EViews 10 Type library for 32-bit applications. Fix for X13 FORCE option. Fix for representation view for ARMA with ML and PDL terms.
May, 2018
Fix for issues changing text object positions in graphs via the dialog. Fix for a bug where calling xclose was not deleting the window. Fix for incorrect axis size in some graphs. Fix for graph sizing issues when using sample sizer in dated panels. Tied zero line in bar graphs to zero line setting. Fix for graph.SETELEM(3) SYMSIZE(5) not working. Fix a crash that could occur in misspecified MIDAS estimation. Fix for incorrect behavior in group members preview after deleting a series from the group. Fix for possible formula update issue when loading the workfile.
April, 2018
Improved graph stability. Fix for Series::@last incorrect return value. Fix for extraneous lines in preview window. Fix for a bug in Pool->Make Stat Series. Fix for a bug in output of DFBETA statistics to workfile. Added error when estimating a restricted VEC model for large iterations. Fixed issue with using XOPEN, XCLOSE, then XOPEN again in an EViews program with MATLAB caused an error. Removed XCLOSE error when called without an external connection. Fix for a bug where copy and paste was failing from X console window. Fix a bug that caused the model.scenario(desc=) command to stop working. Fixed issue using XRUN with a quoted string. Fix for a bug where PAGECOPY was not copying matrix row and col labels. Fix for live graphs not updating unless the graph is displayed. FIx for table font crash when using 'copyrange' and another font is added. Fix for switching regression user-starting values to handle different default initial randomized estimates. Fixes for crashes that can occur in ARDL equations estimated twice via command. Fixed issue for DEMO registration. Fix for setglobalc proc to prevent unwanted extra updating of the C global coefficient vector. Fix for incorrect series display names in Model update method. Fix for incorrect series names in group members view. Fix for crash when saving graphs with missing fonts to PDF. Fix for bug whereby Model replacevar would "undo" prior changes to the model. Fix for bug where NOWARN option in ADDIN cmd was not working properly. Minor fix for restricted VARs. Added additional registration messages. Improved stochastic trends and associated p-value computations in Engle-Granger tests. Fix for issue with irregular data in BLS database.
March, 2018
Fix for registration issue. Added error for multicollinearity in VAR regressors. Fix for new graph 10 settings not being used on fresh installs. Updated Worldbank database to correctly use default or proxy credentials. Fix for a bug where when opening an expanded edit dialog could cause a crash. Fixed internal memory issues. Fixed bug in residual calculation for MIDAS equations with multiple high frequency regressors. Fixed sluggish behavior during EViews update download. Fix to spurious error code in VAR forecast. Fix for crash with "Generate Series by Equation" dialog for equations beginning with "@ ". Fix for WorldBank loading issue.
February, 2018
Fix for coefficient covariance dialog sometimes not reading "d.f. correction" checkbox. Fix for a crash that could occur with ARDL equations estimated in older versions of EViews. Fix for a bug that causes panel LM test to fail. Fix for bug introduced by recent STORE performance change. Added an optional fourth parameter to @dateadd and @datediff affecting business day arithmetic only. When a non-zero value is specified for this parameter, non-business day arguments to these functions are no longer automatically advanced to the next business day. Fix for possible OLE copy and paste bug. Fix for MIDAS estimation bug with both @expand and @trend terms. Fix for possible production of illegal MIDAS models. Fix for possible graph crash if more than 1 series is selected and deleted. Added new internal vector method. Changed registration dialogs to use 3 controls for serial number. Fix for incorrect painting of area graphs in small windows Fix for a Model::control bug that can cause the optimization to stall when the trajectory is zero. Added ability to use old and new Group members view. Options processing fix of initial conditions in estimation of simple switching with AR equation specifications. Fix incorrect label in the import wizard when importing to a panel workfile. Fix for a bug where \n was showing up in @keep attribute in import command.
January, 2018
Added workaround for slow STORE performance on Windows 10. Improved graph stability. Fixed erroenous error in panel heteroskedasticity tests. Fix for problem with unit root automatic t-stat lag selection in some settings where pre-sample observations are available. Fix for a bug in Normal-Wishart BVAR estimation. Fix for structural ARMA forecast instability. Fix for Model::replacevar not working on compiled and closed models. Added inverse trigonometric functions @asec, @acsc, and @acot. Fix for command capture in Tramo/Seats. Fix for ARDL syntax issue with moving statistic functions. Fix for NA issue with R connectivity. Fix for incorrect xy area graph legend containing more than 3 series. Fix for ARDL syntax issue with database series. Fix for problematic whitespace issue with the ARDL command. Improved EViews function calculations, e.g., @gammainc and @cchisq. Added 'd' option to spool.displayname set a spool’s displayname. Adjusted size of graph text warning dialog for smaller screens. Updated BLS database to retrieve all availabe data for a series. Fix for a bug in BLS database with data not ending in 2018. Fix for fetching forecasted values for Bloomberg database.
November, 2017
Fix program possible crash with nested subroutines. Updated SVAR AB models with S/F restrictions. Fixed possible MLE optimization bug when the log-likelihood is positive. Added a new error condition for SVAR models. Improved program compare. Fix for crash w/ modified embedded OLE table objects. Fix invalid characters when retrieving strings via COM. Fix invalid stored to disk text object behavior. Added error message for BLS databases containing invalid registration keys. Fix for an issue in BLS databases where data was missing for the last year. Fix for bug preventing use of @pc* functions with the ARDL command. Allow model copy to copy overrides/excludes of Baseline scenario. Fix for incorrect ARMA correlogram. Changed /programonly option behavior. Fix for setting graph axis units to trillions via command bug. Changed digraph node/edge highlight behavior. Improved render performance for large digraphs. Added ability to export digraphs in EMF, EPS, and PDF format. Fixed for some foreign xlsx file import bug. Enabled the ability to import a single excel cell. Fix error in interpreting MSE power level for forecast averaging routine. Added breakpoint unit root tests to series links. Fix to prevent invalid graph obs label step values. Fix for euro character (alt+e) not working in edit controls. Fix for possible database registry crash with registries containing less than 4 entries. Fix for WFREFRESH bug which cleared out any custom attributes in the destination series. Fix for a paint bug on series button bar after clicking Edit twice. Fix for incorrect date string displayed on cloud browser control. Fix for incorrect error when fetching BLS series. Associated directed graphs with graphs in the workfile filter. Fix for wide digraph rendering bug. Fix for a bug where smbios wasn't being expressed completely. Fix for incorrect captured COPY command. Fix for graph crash.
October, 2017
Fix for inconsistent reading of Excel files containing foreign characters. Fix for breakpoint unit root parsing of selection method using trend specifications. Fix for crash when updating a series linked to a secondary panel workfile. Improved 'help' command error handling. Adjusted auto snapshot message. Disabled auto snapshot system when launched via COM. Enable proxy server support for SDMX, Worldbank and BLS databases. Fixed incorrect database dialog behavior when fetching groups. Disabled auto snapshots under certain conditions. Added new command line options for graph symbols. Improved dialog for CL/Litt & other tests. Improved NA handling in CL/Litt. Fix transposed spreadsheet display bug in panel workfiles. Changed preview dialog start position. Fix for incorrect column frequency in dated data tables. Update to ignore certain workfiles in snapshot check. Fix verification project filters. Fix for incorrect weighted leverage calculations. Fix for incorrect frequency conversion between 7 and 5 daily. Fix for database preview command of object names that contain illegal characters. Improved snapshot labelling. Fix for a bug when dealing with tilde files. Fix when copying a serieslink to another page. Removed erroneous item from equation confidence interval dialog. Fix for digraph legend not scaling when in a spool. Fix for spool and digraph memory leaks. Added ability to export digraph in GraphML format. Attached digraph display modes in the spools to graph display modes. Changed model 'graph' command to 'digraph'. Fix when adding text objects to spool crash. Fix for logsave bug for already existing files.
September, 2017
More graph stability improvements. Fix for live stats updating issue. Fix for sporadic Bloomberg "datetime" error. Enabled SDMX Edx Databases for Standard Edition. Added support for live stats to use the transformed data. Improve numeric stability of basic stats calculations. Fix labeling of long-run variance lag selection for panel estimators. Added command capture for graph shading/lines. Fix labeling of omitted/redundant variables tests. Add version error checking for historical decomposition estimated with older versions of EViews. Fix scaling computation in display summary statistics. Updated to support 300 characters object names in compare. Fix to intermittent crash in weighted covariances. Fixed inability to fetch *.db files. Added support for global object procs to sample objects. Fix for a bug in ARDL estimation by command that would result in no estimates error. Changed the default decomposition method for VAR impulse responses, variance decomposition, and historical decomposition to SVAR in some cases. Fix resample bug when there are no observations in the input or output samples. Improved threading to prevent deadlock. Improved database error handling for unknown objects. Fix for floating precision correction in undated graphs. Fix for a bug when entering a long series name in the group edit dialog. Fix a bug where a failed SVAR estimation would not cause the VAR view to revert to the basic representations view. Fix for crash in Ramsey RESET test for ARDL equations with fixed regressors. Improved graph stability when going in and out of the graph carousel. Added new dialog that combines list of dimensions and filter selection in SDMX databases. Improved SDMX database fetches when fetching with expressions. Modified results display when searching from SDMX databases. Modified filter selection for SDMX database UI.
August, 2017
Updated external R Conn home path handling and error handling Fix for graph crash when selecting a graph object and opening the graph dialog Fix for incorrect custom combo box sizes with large system fonts Fixed bug where floating command window was appearing when EViews is launched via COM (hidden) Increased character limit in Group Edit Members dialog Fixed AIPZ double-click issue when "Run programs on EViews startup" is not set Enabled @rinstr in genr expressions Added new VAR member @svarcvgtype to indicate convergence with unsatisfied first or second order conditions Fixed crash for some users when opening a database under EViews 10 32-bit Improved graph stability after zooming Fixed issue in SUPPORTINFO that was not reporting Windows 10 OS properly Fixed crash when accessing unavailable data members from a pool object Fixed occasional issue with zero printer margins in non-graph output Fixed bug where calling LOGMODE cleared current log window Fixed crash that happened when solving a model with no equations Updated snapshot dialog with new options and also fixed bug where some settings were not being saved properly Larger workfiles can now be exempted from snapshot system Fixed series view not updating after changing display format Updated licensing code to save new lisource.txt in EViews directory, as long as user has admin rights Fix for possible missing flyover labels in mixed graphs Fix for spurious error in quantile regression testing and process display when providing a single user-specified quantile Save as JSON can now be cancelled with F1 Opening a corrupted workfile now displays option to open latest snapshot if one is found Fixed minor dialog issue in PMG estimation
July, 2017
Fixed a bug whereby the SVAR engine would rarely use the wrong optimization method (caused bad standard error estimates) Expanded the new EV10 VAR members @svarsmat and @svarfmat to support EV9 and earlier SVAR results. Increased combo size for live stats dialog Another fix for MoveReg Enabled update menu item for groups contianing linked series. Fixed bug where opening very large workfiles caused "Not found" error. Fix crash in DH panel causality test in panels with more than 2 dimensions. Better fix for model scenario buffers resize. Lower size of model scenario dialog buffers. Fix for @polyroots not working with comma separated arguments. Fix for crash in @recode. Improved spool stability containing graphs when double clicking the spool tree. Fixed a crash when copying VAR objects with estimated SVARs. Improved x13 user variable error handling. Changed how table rows & columns are determined when reading via COM Get method. Fix for ARDL .ecreg equation view not displaying properly. Increase dialog buffer sizes for model excludes and overrides. Added @polyroots to display roots of polynomials. Change to @sign to return 0 for inputs of 0. More MoveReg fixes for output containing truncated week numbers. Added MoveReg data size limit. Improved graph stability. Fix for DH causality not working via command. Fix for @recode when given non-series and non-alpha series argument. Fix for multi mixed graph dialog crash. Fix for graph.@axispos parsing error. Fix for mismatch in graph display of state space series in some irregular dated workfiles. Fix for breakpoint least squares spec parsing error. Fixed issue with ARDL and 0 fixed lags. Fixed issue with MoveReg and holidays. Fix for @scale and row and column permutations parsing error. Fix graph carousel crash on window resize. Added spool object title feature. Fix for truncated week numbers in MoveReg.
June, 2017
Fix for program windows not updating when auto completion is on. Fix for invalid text in the description field of the database query window. Backward compatibility check for new ARDL models. Fixed bug that allowed EV10 equations estimated with ARDL using incompatible options to be opened in EV9. Synchronized the group members view font with the in place edit control font. Fix for possible missing graph when using graph carousel. Added @runname function. Fix to exclude weight series as an axis extension in bubble plots.