EViews 14 Patch Installer

To determine if your installed EViews is out-of-date, you can compare the "build date" of your version of EViews with those posted below. Your version's build date is displayed when you select About EViews... from the EViews Help Menu.
The EViews 14 update executable may be used to update your currently installed EViews 14 to the most recent shipping version. The update installer will not run unless you already have EViews 14 installed on your machine.
In most cases, the easiest way to update your EViews 14 License is to simply click on Help->EViews Update.
Current Update
Patch Date : 2025-02-06
- Fixed issue where EViews table written to xlsx could create blank header row(s).
- Fixed Fisher panel cointegration test output crash.
- Fixes for fillActual not working properly in VAR and VEC forecasting.
- Fixed bug where a newly named workfile from wfcreate defaults to wf1 despite global setting.
- Fixed VAR structural residual crash.
- Fixed error message for estimatable equations.
- Fixed unable to copy over formulae bug.
- Fixed for sizing of leave-p-out cross-validation sampling.
>>Download patch for 64-bit version ( 193M
). alt
MD5 Checksum: e18c86e07346938ee2605f74111c8265
Prior Updates
December, 2024
Fix to incorrect setting of no delete condition for groups. Optimize ARDL lag selection. Fixed issue with XGET creating unnamed objects. Improved batch output object to workfile routines. Minor fixes for enet. Additional fix for model solve option "i=e". Additional fix for model solve option "i=e". Fixed improper handling of model exclusions/overrides when using the new solve initialization option "i=e". Fix PMG crash due to insufficient number of cx observations. Added == and != operators to enums of bitflag type Minor cleanup of ENET estimation status message. Updated help CHM and PDFs. Fixed issue with XPUT ignoring name option. Fixed issue with jupyter notebook still looking for EViews13.dll. Fixed the model @bounds data member reporting an incorrect number of variables that crossed boundaries.November, 2024
Add the ability for the model::solve procedure to use any scenario solution as initial values. Fix NARDL asymmetry test when 0-lag regressors are present Fix restricted number of ARDL combinations. Fixed the model solve procedure reporting an incorrect number of variables that crossed boundaries. Fix SVAR VD error 500 Fix ARDL EC diagnostics view table crash Fix ARDL lagsel for large number of combos. Fixed a crash bug when viewing tables.October, 2024
Fixed model solution methods E-Newton and E-QNewton using incorrect parameter settings for certain suboptimization tasks. Added an additional model solve initial solution values option (i=e) that uses existing solution values. Fixed issues when printing spool to PDF. Fixed MSVCR120.dll dependency with ShapeLib.dll. Fixed issues related to reference to msvcr120.dll (Tableau Support) Fixed bug where SHOW(max) caused issues while running from a program and Pane & Tab mode is on. BTVCVAR forecast values now invariant with respect to forecast sample end date. Removed unused pkg reference in _eviewsPandas.py that was causing problems with pandas 2.2 Updated WorldBank EDX to use HTTPS. Fixed VEC comcap to not combine @ and @EXOGSR but use only @EXOGSR.September, 2024
Updated help documentation and related PDFs Updated Excel AddIn registration to always include HKCU Updated Excel AddIn to be signed. Fix for @otods not handling sample correctly. JDemetra improvements Updated ENET status bar message to include both cross-validation and path progress information. Fix ARDL/PMG bounds test crash due to inappropriate inversion method. Fix crash caused in ARDL lag search optimization. Fix for options button handling in series stats_by dialog. Re-updated Magellan EDX with additional TLS 1.2 changes. BTVCVAR forecast bug fix. Changed how type attribute is brought in by EIA to prevent conflicts with EViews type. Updated Magellan EDX to use TLS 1.2August, 2024
Added attribute type to database imported objects Fixed issue where sample was not being used during put calls to Prophet. Fixed incorrect calculation of the geometric mean, e.g. by @gmean. Fixed a crash triggered by invoking @ISVALIDNAME or @ISVALIDGROUP. Updates to EViews CHM help file and PDFs. Fixed crash when modifying graph boxplot attributes. Fix for bug in parsing Factor makescores proc command using names of output series. Fixed live statistics not updating. OCED & INSEE EDX updates.July, 2024
EViews now registers Excel Add In for machine, instead of just current user. Fix for Easter testing in JDemetra Fix for BTVCVAR IR bug caused by an invalid data type conversion under irregular data. Fix for JDemetra not parsing default spec via command line properly. Fix bug that allowed JDemetra to be run on non-monthly/quarterly data. Updated error message for BTVCVAR IR. New datamembers.txt file. Fix LP asymmetric graph output when specifying list of responses. OECD SDMX fixes: disabled legacy API and sorted OECD observations. Trading Economics fixes: Updated preferences dialog title.