EViews 14 Patch Installer

To determine if your installed EViews is out-of-date, you can compare the "build date" of your version of EViews with those posted below. Your version's build date is displayed when you select About EViews... from the EViews Help Menu.

The EViews 14 update executable may be used to update your currently installed EViews 14 to the most recent shipping version. The update installer will not run unless you already have EViews 14 installed on your machine.

In most cases, the easiest way to update your EViews 14 License is to simply click on Help->EViews Update.

Current Update

Patch Date : 2025-02-06

  • Fixed issue where EViews table written to xlsx could create blank header row(s).
  • Fixed Fisher panel cointegration test output crash.
  • Fixes for fillActual not working properly in VAR and VEC forecasting.
  • Fixed bug where a newly named workfile from wfcreate defaults to wf1 despite global setting.
  • Fixed VAR structural residual crash.
  • Fixed error message for estimatable equations.
  • Fixed unable to copy over formulae bug.
  • Fixed for sizing of leave-p-out cross-validation sampling.