funbias |
nolocalbw | Do not use the existing local pilot bandwidth (if it exists). Note that this option is only available if a local pilot bandwidth has been set previously, either through the estimation step, using the setpilotbw proc, or through another view or proc which set the local bandwidth. |
p | Print output. |
noupdate | Do not update the local pilot bandwidth using the current pilot bandwidth computation. |
plth =arg (default = “cv”) | Pilot bandwidth method: simple rule-of-thumb (“rot”), robust rule-of-thumb (“rotr”), residual squares criterion (“rsc”), modified multi cross-validation (“cv”), user-defined (“user”). |
pltbw=arg (default =1) | User-defined bandwidth (if “plth=user”). |
plthmin=arg (default = 0.1) | Bandwidth grid search minimum value (if not “plth=user”). |
plthmax=arg (default =1) | Bandwidth grid search maximum value (if not “plth=user”). |
plthlen=integer (default = 100) | Bandwidth grid search length (if not “plth=user”). |
plthinc=integer (default = 10) | Bandwidth grid search increment step percentage increase (if not “plth=user”). |
plthcup=integer (default = 10) | Stop rule: consecutive increases of objective function before stop (not available when “plth=user”). |
pltm=arg (default = 10) | Modified multifold CV m-value: percentage of sample size used in bandwidth determination (when “plth=cv”). |
pltq=integer (default = 4) | Modified multifold CV Q-value: percentage of sample size used in bandwidth determination (when “plth=cv”). |
auxk=integer (default = 2) | Estimation polynomial degree for pilot stage in excess of final stage degree. This number should always be an even positive integer. |