Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: C
Cumulative process of zero (at threshold) changes.
Compute the partial sum process of positive (at the threshold y) changes in the series x beginning in the specified date.
Syntax: @cumdz(x, d[, y, s])
x: series
d: string
y: (optional) number
s: (optional) sample string or object
Return: series
Consider the partial sum decomposition of a variable given a initial value as where , , and are the partial sum processes of the differences for positive, negative, and zero changes in relative to the threshold y:
This function returns the zero change for the current or specified sample.
The date d string specification determines .
Values for dates prior to d will be NAs.
The optional argument specifies the threshold value. By default .
This function is panel aware.
show @cumdz(x, 2001, 1)
produces a linked series of @cumdz applied to x where the starting date is 2001 and the threshold value is set to 1.
See also @cumdn, @cumdp, @dcumdp, @dcumdn, and @dcumdz.