Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: W
Function Reference: W
@wcount Number of words in the string list.
@wcross String with words in first list crossed with second.
@wdelim Replace delimiters in string.
@wdir List of all files in a directory.
@wdrop Drop words from string list.
@weekday Day of the week of the observation.
@wexpand String representation of automatic dummy variables.
@wfattrnames String containing a list of attribute names in the workfile .
@wfattrvals String containing a list of attribute values in the workfile .
@wfind Find location of word (case-sensitive) in string list.
@wfname String containing name of current workfile.
@wfindnc Find location of word (not case-sensitive) in string list.
@wfpath String containing path of current workfile.
@winsert Insert string into string after word.
@winterleave Interleave words of two string lists.
@wintersect Intersection of words in two string lists.
@wjoin Extract elements of an Svector to a string.
@wkeep Keep subset of words in string list.
@wleft Left-most words of string list.
@wlookup String list formed from objects in a workfile or database matching a pattern.
@wmid Middle or middle to end words of a string list.
@wnotin Words not in a string list.
@word Single word from a string list.
@wordq Single word from a string list, preserving quotes.
@wquery String containing list of object attributes for objects matching a database query
@wread Read contents of text file into a string.
@wreplace Replace characters in each word in a string list.
@wrfind Find location of a word (case-sensitive) in a string list searching from end.
@wrfindnc Find location of a word (not case-sensitive) in a string list searching from end.
@wright Right-most words of a string list.
@wsort Sorted list of words in a string list.
@wsplit Create string vector from words in a string list.
@wunion Union of words in two string lists.
@wunique Remove duplicate words in string list.