Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Model
Produce a table showing the differences between scenarios for the specified series.
model_name.compare(options) model_vars
The compare view allows you to quickly compare the results from different scenarios (or the actual values) following a model solve. By default the output table will show any of the series specified in model_vars whose difference between the current active and comparison scenarios exceeds a specified tolerance. You may optionally use the “patt=” option to specify a separate set of comparison series from those in the current comparison scenario.
The list of model_vars may include the following special keywords:
All model variables.
All endogenous model variables.
All exogenous model variables.
All add factor variables in the model.
All currently overridden exogenous variables
All currently overridden endogenous variables
Set the tolerance level for comparing the series. Any differences below the tolerance will not be reported. Default value is 0.001.
Set the comparison set of series. Without this option, EViews will build the comparison set based upon the current comparison scenario. This option allows you to select a different set of series using pattern matching. pattern should contain an * to represent the variable names given in model_vars.
mod1.scenario(a="_0") "scenario0"
mod1.scenario(c, a="_1") "scenario1"
mod1.compare gdp unemp infl
The first two lines of this example set the current active scenario “Scenario0”, and set the comparison scenario to “Scenario1”, with a name alias of “_1”. The model is then solved for both scenarios. The compare command is used to produce a table detailing the differences between the two scenarios for the three variables GDP, UNEMP and INFL. Any differences between the solved series GDP_0 and GDP_1, UNEMP_0 and UNEMP_1 or INFL_0 and INFL_1 greater than 0.001 will be shown in the table.
mod1.compare(tol=0.00001) gdp unemp infl
produces the same table, but uses a lower tolerance rate (of 0.00001).
mod1.compare @endog
produces a table comparing all endogenous variables in the model, not just GDP, UNEMP and INFL.
mod1.compare(patt="*_2") gdp unemp infl
produces a table that compares GDP_0 with GDP_2, UNEMP_0 with UNEMP_2 and INFL_0 with INFL_2, even though the current comparison scenario is still “Scenario1”.
See “Models” for a discussion of specifying and solving models in EViews. See also, the discussion in “Specifying Scenarios”.
See Model::scenario and Model::adjust.