Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: C
Function Reference: C
@cagr Compound annual growth rate of series (in decimal fraction).
@capplyranks Reorder the rows of the matrix using a vector of ranks.
@cbeta Beta cumulative distribution function.
@cbinom Binomial cumulative probability function.
@cbvnorm Bivariate normal cumulative distribution function.
@cchisq Chi-square cumulative distribution function.
@ceil Smallest number greater than or equal to (with optional precision).
@cellid Within cross-section identifier series for panel workfile observation.
@cexp Exponential cumulative distribution function.
@cextreme Extreme value (Type I-minimum) cumulative distribution function.
@cfdist F-distribution cumulative distribution function.
@cfirst First non-missing value in each column of a matrix.
@cgamma Gamma cumulative distribution function.
@cged Generalized error cumulative distribution function.
@chisq Upper tail of the Chi-square cumulative distribution function.
@cholesky Cholesky factor of matrix.
@chr ASCII value to string character.
@cifirst Index of the first non-missing value in each column of a matrix.
@cilast Index of the last non-missing value in each column of a matrix.
@cimax Index of the maximal value in each column of a matrix.
@cimin Index of the maximal value in each column of a matrix.
@cintercept Intercept from a trend regression performed on each column of a matrix.
@claplace Laplace cumulative distribution function.
@clast Last non-missing value in each column of the matrix.
@clogistic Logistic cumulative distribution function.
@cloglog Complimentary log-log function.
@clognorm Log normal cumulative distribution function.
@cmax Maximal value in each column of a matrix.
@cmean Mean in each column of a matrix.
@cmedian Median of each column of a matrix.
@cmin Minimal value for each column of the matrix.
@cnas Number of NA values in each column of a matrix.
@cnegbin Negative binomial cumulative probability function.
@cnorm Standard normal cumulative distribution function.
@cobs Number of non-NA values in each column of a matrix.
@colcumprod Cumulative products for each column of a matrix.
@colcumsum Cumulative sums for each column of a matrix.
@coldemean Demean each column of a matrix.
@coldetrend Detrend each column of a matrix.
@colpctiles Percentile values for each column of a matrix.
@colranks Ranks of each column of the matrix.
@colsort Sort each column of the matrix.
@colstdize Standardize each column using the sample (d.f. corrected) standard deviation.
@colstdizep Standardize each column using the population (non-d.f. corrected) standard deviation.
@columnextract Extract column from matrix.
@columns Number of columns in matrix object or group.
@commute Commutation matrix.
@cond Condition number of square matrix or sym.
@convert Converts series or group to a vector or matrix after removing NAs.
@cor Correlation of two vectors or series, or between the columns of a matrix or series in a group.
@cos Cosine of argument specified in radians.
@cov Covariance (non-d.f.corrected) of two vectors or series, or between the columns of a matrix or series in a group.
@covp Covariance (non-d.f. corrected) of two vectors or series, or between the columns of a matrix or series in a group.
@covs Covariance (d.f. corrected) of two vectors or series, or between the columns of a matrix or series in a group.
@cpareto Pareto cumulative distribution function.
@cpoisson Poisson cumulative probability function.
@cprod Product of elements in each column of a matrix.
@cquantile Quantile of each column of a matrix.
@crossid Cross-section identifier series for panel workfile observation.
@cstdev Sample standard deviation (d.f. corrected) of each column of a matrix.
@cstdevp Population standard deviation (non-d.f. corrected) of each column of a matrix.
@cstdevs Sample standard deviation (non-d.f. corrected) of each column of a matrix.
@csum Sum of the values in each column of a matrix.
@csumsq Sum of the squared values in each column of a matrix.
@ctdist Student’s cumulative distribution function.
@ctrendcoef Slope from a trend regression on each column of a matrix.
@ctrmean Trimmed mean of each column of a matrix .
@cumbmax Backward cumulative maximums of a series.
@cumbmean Backward cumulative means of a series.
@cumbmedian Backward cumulative medians of a series.
@cumbmin Backward cumulative medians of a series.
@cumbnas Backward cumulative number of missing observations of a series.
@cumbobs Backward cumulative number of (non-missing) observations of a series.
@cumbprod Backward cumulative products of a series.
@cumbquantile Backward cumulative quantiles of a series.
@cumbstdev Backward cumulative standard deviations (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumbstdevp Backward cumulative standard deviations (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumbstdevs Backward cumulative standard deviations (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumbsum Backward cumulative sums of a series.
@cumbsumsq Backward cumulative sums-of-squares of a series.
@cumbvar Backward cumulative variances (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumbvarp Backward cumulative variances (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumbvars Backward cumulative variances (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumdn Cumulative sum of negative (below threshold) changes in a series.
@cumdp Cumulative sum of positive (above threshold) changes in a series.
@cumdz Cumulative sum of zero (at threshold) changes in a series.
@cummax Cumulative maximums of a series.
@cummean Cumulative means of a series.
@cummedian Cumulative medians of a series.
@cummin Cumulative minimums of a series.
@cumnas Cumulative number of missing observations of a series.
@cumobs Cumulative number of (non-missing) observations of a series.
@cumprod Cumulative products of a series or the elements of a matrix.
@cumquantile Cumulative quantiles of a series.
@cumstdev Cumulative standard deviations (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumstdevp Cumulative standard deviations (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumstdevs Cumulative standard deviations (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumsum Cumulative sums of a series or the elements of a matrix.
@cumsumsq Cumulative sums-of-squares of a series.
@cumvar Cumulative variances (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumvarp Cumulative variances (non-d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cumvars Cumulative variances (d.f. corrected) of a series.
@cunif Uniform cumulative distribution function.
@cvar Population variance of each column of a matrix.
@cvarp Population variance of each column of a matrix.
@cvars Sample variance of each column of a matrix.
@cweib Weibull cumulative distribution function.