Command Reference : Function Reference : Function Reference: I
Function Reference: I
@identity Identity matrix
@ifirst Index of the first non-missing value in the vector or series.
@iif Recode values by condition (conditional value).
@ilast Index of the last non-missing value in the vector or series.
@imax Index of maximum value.
@imaxes Indices of maximum value (multiple).
@imin Index of minimum value.
@imins Indices of minimum value (multiple).
@implode Creates sym from lower triangle of square matrix.
@implodeu Creates sym from upper triangle of square matrix.
@inlist Dummy variable for observation value in list.
@inner Inner product.
@insert Insert string into string.
@instr Find position of substring in a string.
@intercept Intercept from a trend regression.
@inv Reciprocal function.
@inverse Inverse of matrix.
@isempty Test for empty string.
@isna Test for missing values.
@isobject Does object exist in active workfile page.
@ispanel Is the current workfile page panel structured.
@isperiod is this the first observation matching the specified period.
@issingular Test matrix for singularity.
@isvalidgroup Does the string represent a valid EViews group or auto-series.
@isvalidname Indicator for whether string represents a valid name for an EViews object.