EViews 9.5 New Features

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"EViews 9 raises the ante with a number of interface improvements…"


Updated Interface

EViews has always been known for its unmatched ease-of-use, but there's always room for improvement. We've raised the ante in EViews 9 with a number of interface improvements. Here are but a few of the highlights:

Command Capture

EViews offers command capture for most object views and procedures, and a large number of other interactive operations. When you perform an operation using the user-interface, EViews will save the equivalent text command for display and export.

Once opened, you may move and resize the window as desired. Right-clicking in the window brings up a menu for capture window to clear the window, to save the contents to a file on disk, or to open an new, untitled program containing the contents of the window. Additionally, you may elect to echo any captured commands to the command window

Dockable Command and Capture Window

The EViews command and capture windows are dockable, floatable, and hideable. Dockable and hideable windows allow you to move frequently used windows out of the way while keeping them close at hand.

Workfile Details

Floatable windows allow you to move them out of the
way of your work. You may even go so far as to float a window outside of the EViews frame.

Workfile Details

Database and Workfile Object Preview

EViews offers a new object preview mode that allows you to browse quickly through objects in workfiles and databases. Select and right-click on one or more objects in a database or workfile window or press F9 to open the preview window. Use the arrows to browse through the selected objects or the contents of the entire object container, viewing metadata (name, type, description, frequency, last update, source, units, etc.) and object type-specific information. Once you’ve examined your object, you can use the preview window to export one or more objects from a database into a workfile page.

Group Members View

This view displays a graphical list of all the names of the series currently in the group.

You may change the group by dragging and dropping series objects from the workfile to the Group Members window. Also, rearranging members may be accomplished by dragging and dropping members in the desired position. Changes that you make to the group are finalized immediately. You may sort the members by number or by name by clicking on the headers (# or Name) of the list window.

Additionally, you may change the group by right-clicking on the window and then make a selection in the popup dialog. Select Edit Member, to edit the contents of this window to add, remove, or rearrange the series in a group.

Group Object Preview

Object preview allows the user to quickly look through a number of objects. In the case of group preview, instead of opening the object and going through its different views (graph, spreadsheet, group members), you may use the preview to quickly view metadata (name, type, description, etc.) and object type-specific information (for example, members list and a graph of 5 series members).

This replaces the previous group preview where the user could see only the group members with no graph.

The group preview lists all the members of a group under the Group Members, but displays only the line graphs of 5 group members at a time. The members that are displayed have the colored line symbol before their name. If you click on a group member within the list, that will change the selection. The object that you click will be the first of the 5 objects you will be previewing.