New Features in EViews 14
New Features in EViews 14
EViews 14 features a number of exciting changes and improvements. The following is an overview of the most important new features in Version 14.
Note that in some cases, entries will appear in more than one section as they might otherwise be overlooked.
Data Handling
Data Sources and File Formats
StatCan SDMX database connectivity ( “Statistics Canada (StatCan SDMX) Database Connectivity”).
Updated User-interface for NOAA databases ( “NOAA (National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration)”).
Improved User-interface for EuroStat, ECB, OECD and other SDMX databases ( “Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) Databases”).
Seasonal Adjustment
JDemetra+ Seasonal Adjustment ( “JDemetra+ Seasonal Adjustment”).
Filtering and Smoothing
Boosted Hodrick-Prescott Filter ( “Boosted Hodrick-Prescott Filter”).
Expanded Functions
Sample index and boolean vector functions ( “Sample Index Functions”).
Matrix utility functions ( “Matrix Utility Functions”).
String and date function vector support ( “String and Date Vector Functions”).
Econometrics and Statistics
Estimation and Analysis
Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) GARCH ( “MIDAS GARCH”).
Quantile ARDL Estimation ( “Quantile ARDL Estimation”).
Enhanced Elastic NET ( “Enhanced Elastic Net and Lasso”).
Improved Lasso Variable Selection ( “Lasso Variable Selection”).
ARDL Heteroskedasticity and Auto-correlation Consistent (HAC) standard errors ( “Expanded ARDL HAC Standard Errors”).
Facebook Prophet Forecasting ( “Facebook Prophet Forecasting”).
Testing and Diagnostics
Series-based Outlier Detection ( “Outlier Detection”).
Equation-based Outlier Detection ( “Equation-based Outlier Detection”).
Tests for Series Breaks and Change Point Detection ( “Break Testing and Change Point Detection”).
Tests for Series Trends ( “Trend Testing”).
Tests for Explosive Financial Bubbles ( “Explosive Bubble Testing”).
Major additions, extensions, and improvements in impulse response analysis of VARs, VECs, Variance Decomposition, and BTVCVARs ( “Impulse Response Analysis”).
Matrix Statistical Tools
New statistical tools for matrices and vectors ( “New Matrix Object Views and Procs”).
Solve models with future endogenous variables ( “Models Containing Future Endogenous Values”).
Command Language
List of new and updated object commands and data members ( “Updated Object List”).
List of new and updated functions ( “Updated Function List”).