What's New in EViews 10
EViews 10 features a wide range of exciting changes and improvements. The following is an overview of the most important new features in Version 10.
EViews Interface
- Automatic and user-controlled workfile and program history, snapshot and backup system.
- Live statistics for spreadsheet views.
- Support for long object names.
- Enhanced logging abilities.
Data Handling
- Improved integration with R.
- Attribute importing and exporting.
- Chow-Lin, Denton and Litterman frequency conversion methods with multiple indicator series.
- Interface to the following data sources require an Enterprise license:
- World Bank data.
- United Nations data.
- Eurostat data.
- European Central Bank data.
- IMF data.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data.
- Saving to Tableau®.
- Saving to JSON.
Graphs, Tables and Spools
- Bubble plots.
- Series updating in graphs.
- New default graph styles.
- Miscellaneous new graph options.
- Table sorting.
Econometrics and Statistics
- Season-trend decomposition (STL).
- MoveReg weekly seasonal adjustment.
- Force annual totals option in X-13
- Special function computation.
- Smooth threshold regression (STR).
- Heteroskedasticity consistent robust stardard error options.
- Clustered stardard errors.
- VARs with linear restrictions.
- Structural VAR restriction improvements.
- VAR historical decomposition.
- Improved nonlinear forecasting.
- Additional autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) tools.