Object Reference : Object Command Summary : B
in GARCH models UII:1143, C:297, O:44
MA terms UII:1014, C:422, O:129
Background color 0:262, O:383, O:649, O:861
Backup files UI:64, UI:2102, C:121
Bai Perron breakpoint test UII:1104, O:148
computing in EViews UII:1107
examples UII:1109
Bai sequential breakpoint
estimation with 1:1338
test UII:1106, O:148
Balanced data UII:1852
Balanced sample UII:1863
Baltagi, Fend and Kao test UII:1956, II:2018, O:58, O:604
band O:997
Band graph O:997
Band-Pass filter UI:567, O:599
Andrews UII:1626, UII:2156
automatic selection See Automatic bandwidth selection
bracketing UI:731, UI:747, UI:748
cointegrating regression UII:1173, C:325, C:327, C:328, O:74, O:77, O:78
GMM estimation UII:984, C:307, C:424, C:510, O:56, O:112, O:131, O:184
kernel - technical details UII:2154
kernel graph UI:731, UI:746
local regression UI:748
long-run covariance estimation UI:635, O:372
Newey-West (automatic) UII:1626, UII:2157
Newey-West (fixed) UII:1625
panel cointegrating regression 1:1977
robust standard errors UII:939
selection in system GMM UII:1599, UII:1625
bar O:999
Bar graph UI:708, O:999
Bartlett kernel UII:1625
cointegrating regression UII:1173, C:325, C:327, C:328, O:74, O:77, O:78
GMM estimation UII:984, C:380, O:112
long-run covariance estimation UI:635, O:372
panel cointegrating regression 1:1977
robust standard errors UII:939, C:307, C:424, C:510, O:56, O:131, O:184
technical details UII:2153
Bartlett test UI:440, O:670
Batch mode C:126
See also Program.
Baxter-King band-pass filter UI:567, O:599
Bayesian model averaging UI:535
Bayesian VAR
posterior coefficient distribution O:924
posterior error distribution O:925
Bayesian VAR See BVAR
Bayesian VAR See BVAR
BDS test UI:452, UII:1579, O:598
bdstest O:598
BEA data UI:360
@before C:626
Bekker standard errors UII:973
Berndt-Hall-Hall-Hausman (BHHH). See Optimization algorithms.
distribution C:593
integral C:589
integral, logarithm of C:590
@beta C:589
Beta function
CDF C:606
density C:608
inverse CDF C:616
random number generator C:616, C:617
@betainc C:589
@betaincder C:590
@betaincinv C:590
@betalog C:590
@between C:598, C:627
Bias proportion UII:1052
BIC UII:2147
See also Schwarz criterion.
Bin width
histograms UI:724, O:1009
See also Binning
binary C:303, O:52
Binary dependent variable UII:1227, C:303, O:52
categorical regressors stats UII:1235, O:145
error messages UII:1234
estimation UII:1229
estimation statistics UII:1232
expectation-prediction table UII:1236
fitted index UII:1241
forecasting UII:1241
goodness-of-fit UII:1238
interpretation of coefficient UII:1231
log likelihood UII:1228
model prediction table O:154
predicted probabilities UII:1242
residuals UII:1241
response curve UII:1242
views UII:1235
Binary estimation
dependent variable frequencies UII:1235, O:85
perfect predictor UII:1234
Binary file UI:36, C:530
Binning UI:731, UI:745, UI:747
categorical graphs UI:773
classifications UI:430, UI:613
@binom C:590
coefficient function C:590
coefficients, logarithm of C:590
distribution C:593
Binomial function
CDF C:606
density C:608
inverse CDF C:616
random number generator C:616
Binomial sign test UI:434
@binomlog C:590
Bisquare function 1:1318
Bivariate normal distribution C:595
Bivariate normal function
CDF C:606
density C:608
Black and white C:40
block O:478
Block structure of model O:478
Blom UI:734
Bloomberg data UI:356, C:348
BLS C:348
BLS data UI:364
BLS MoveReg UI:500
BMA UI:535
BMP UI:825
Bohman kernel
cointegrating regression UII:1173, C:325, C:327, C:328, O:74, O:77, O:78
GMM estimation UII:984, C:380, O:112
long-run covariance estimation UI:635, O:372
panel cointegrating regression 1:1977
robust standard errors UII:939, C:307, C:424, C:510, O:56, O:131, O:184
technical details UII:2153
Bonferroni UI:607
and C:568, C:605
or C:568, C:615
Bootstrap UI:467
in quantile regression UII:1473, UII:1474, UII:1489
rows of matrix C:736
matrix element by element C:693
@bounds C:693
Bounds testing (ARDL models) II:1191
boundscheck O:478
Box-Cox transformation UI:743
Box-Jenkins UII:1000
Boxplot UI:739, O:1003
as axis UI:663
customize individual elements O:315
boxplot O:1003
bpf O:599
Break UI:98, C:126
breakls C:305, O:54
Breakpoint estimation 1:1337, C:305, O:54
coefficient labeling 1:1346
estimation output 1:1343
example 1:1349
in EViews 1:1339
specification view 1:1345
Breakpoint test C:313, C:358, O:63, O:92, O:191
See also Breakpoint estimation
2sls O:58
Bai and Perron UII:1104, O:148
Chow UII:1100
estimation after 1:1337, C:305, O:54
factor UII:1085
for unit roots UII:1531, O:602
GMM UII:990, O:58
multiple UII:1104, O:148
Quandt-Andrews UII:1102
unequal variance UII:1128
unknown UII:1102
breaktest O:58
Breitung UII:1564, C:517, O:675
Breusch-Godfrey test UII:1002, UII:1089, UII:1648
See Serial correlation.
Breusch-Pagan test UII:1091, O:119
cross-section dependence UII:1956, II:2018, O:58, O:604
@bridge C:571, C:606
Bridge missing values C:571, C:606
Brown-Forsythe test UI:441, O:670
Broyden’s method UII:1828, UII:2136, O:503
bubble O:1006
Bubble graph O:1006
Bubble plot UI:715
Bubble triplet graph O:1006
bubbletrip O:1006
Bureau of Economic Analysis data UI:360
Bureau of Labor Statistics data UI:364
buroot O:602
BVAR UI:1679, O:913
Litterman/Minnesota prior O:913
normal-Wishart prior O:913
priors O:913
Sims-Zha prior O:913
BVAR O:913
By-group statistics UI:429, UII:1904, UII:1912, C:587